Lord Free me evil man; save me from violent men,
of those who in their hearts
devise perverse things,
causing strife each day
sharpen their tongues like a serpent,
have cobra venom on their lips,
Save me, O Lord, from the hands of the wicked,
Keep me from the wicked,
of those trying to break me down.
hide me The proud ties, and tend
mesh as a network;
traps placed me beside the road.
I say Lord, Thou art my God;
Lord hears the voice of my supplication.
Lord God, Powerful Relief Mio,
You cover my head on the day of battle.
do not satisfy the Lord, the desires of the wicked
not fulfill his plan
Raise No head which beset me
fall upon them the evil of their languages \u200b\u200b
coals raining down on them,
chasms precipitalos ,
to rise no more
man of evil tongue
on earth will not last;
woes hit fall
sobre el violento.
Sé que Yahvé Tomará la defensa del desválido,
Hará Justicia a los pobres
ciertamente los Justos celebrarán tu Nombre.
Los Rectos habitarán en tu presencia...