Monday, October 5, 2009

How Do I Take Away The Sweet Taste In My Chili?'

Psalm 108 (109)

Oh Dios, Gloría mía, no enmudezcas,
porque bocas impías y dolosas
se han abierto contra mi
y me hablan con lengua pérfida.
Me asedian con odiosos discursos,
me combaten sin motivo.
Por lo que should love me, accuse me, and I pray
me evil for good, and hatred
exchange for my love.
Put it under the hand of an unbeliever,
with the prosecutor on his right when judged, condemned
and prayer is sin.
his days and another received his ministry
their children become orphans

and his wife a widow.

Anden their children begging, wandering,

driven from their homes destroyed.
The usurer stalk all their property,

and fall prey of strangers
the fruits of their labor. Nobody

show mercy and no sorrow for his orphans

his posterity be delivered to the extermination
extinguish his name in the first generation.

Blame their parents be remembered by Yahweh,
and his mother's sin is not erased.

Always be in the eyes of Yahweh.

That He removed his memory land
but pursued the unfortunate, the poor, the afflicted
To give the death blow.
loved cursing, drop it off!

blessing would not stand well back!
was coated with cursing like a robe

and he entered into his bowels like water,

and like oil into his bones. Seale

colored blanket, and as

belt that girded always. Such payment

have Yahweh those who accuse me
and those who utter curses against me. More
your Lord, Lord, Make me
as the glory of thy name
, save me for thy goodness

is merciful because I am unhappy and poor,
and carry it in my wounded heart.
As a shadow that declines,
I'm fading, I am thrown
as lobster.
My knees falter,
weakened by fasting, and my flesh
emaciated, faints
and have come to be the scorn of them,
look at me, and make head wiggles.
Help me, Lord, my God,
Save me according to thy mercy
and know that here is your hand,

and that thou, O Lord, who has done it.

Let them curse, but You Lord, Bless me see
who rise up against me.
thy servant rejoice be covered with shame those who accuse me,
and wrapped in her confusion
like a cloak.
My mouth will be full of Praise to the Lord;
amid the large crowd
sing their glories;
porque Él se mantuvo
a la derecha de este pobre
para salvarlo de sus jueces...


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