I knew your Holy and Terrible Name, Almighty Lord, but now I know you are mighty God, great God, God Almighty, Everlasting God. + I tied the clouds and rain prevented from falling on the face of the earth and dried, the trees did not bear fruit, the crops withered in the fields. I went through a cattle herd and dispersabanse, losing, I loved a man, a woman, a child, they are just a bunch of my gaze, my power for evil was great, but so far had not known the secret science Good.
+ Oh great and mighty Lord! + Oh God Almighty and Everlasting!, I pray thee, grant to your humble servant * Cipriano (.........), that every man and woman who recite devoutly my prayer will be free of spells, possessions, spells, charms and other black arts of witchcraft, and saved him from storms, earthquakes, hurricanes, lightning and fire. AMEN +
Anula y desvanece, Altísimo Dios Creador Nuestro + por las oraciones de los Ángeles buenos y por los Santos que te rodean, todos los sortilegios y ligaduras que se han hecho o hagan, de día o de noche, por hombres infames y mujeres perversas contra tu siervo, y que sus enemigos y contrarios sean por siempre malditos del polvo y la tierra que pisan...
Que sea desembrujado de cualquier maleficio hecho por invocación + virtudes o potestades infernales, ya sea hecho por figuras grabadas en oro, plata, cobre, estaño, hierro, plomo u otro metal cualquiera; ya sea por huesos de muerto, de hombre o animal de cuatro patas, o de aves nocturnas; asimismo si fuera hecho el embrujamiento con pieces of wool, linen, silk, cotton or hemp, belonging to a dead or a living person, healthy or sick, or hair or nails Christian, Moorish Jew, or heretic, or be buried in grave of giants, or Jews, or Saracens, or Christians, and those that are made in stone, wood, grass or sea water or river, also the curses through books or words in statue metal or wax, or signs painted on scrolls, and also the facts in the mountains or valleys, castles, fortresses or Moors, in fields or vineyards, forests or jungles, next to a tree or under a bush or under a stone or rock, in a cabin or home field in the wall of a church, convent and chapel, in bed, or in the pit of a house, or any other site or location of high ground or deep, which also occur in food or drink , or rot in corrupt water, or use or have been consumed by fire.
+ Oh God Blessed!, O Holy God!, Mighty God, Good and Scary!, Make them disappear and are discard all the bad things said and done from east to west ... Getting rid of all evil and danger from winds and hail, downpours and storm, of lightning and thunder, ghosts and visions, of ambushes and betrayals, daggers and knives, all known or unknown bad thing ....
+ + Glory Glory to the Son + Glory to the Holy Spirit ... AMEN
+ Oh great and mighty Lord! + Oh God Almighty and Everlasting!, I pray thee, grant to your humble servant * Cipriano (.........), that every man and woman who recite devoutly my prayer will be free of spells, possessions, spells, charms and other black arts of witchcraft, and saved him from storms, earthquakes, hurricanes, lightning and fire. AMEN +
Anula y desvanece, Altísimo Dios Creador Nuestro + por las oraciones de los Ángeles buenos y por los Santos que te rodean, todos los sortilegios y ligaduras que se han hecho o hagan, de día o de noche, por hombres infames y mujeres perversas contra tu siervo, y que sus enemigos y contrarios sean por siempre malditos del polvo y la tierra que pisan...
Que sea desembrujado de cualquier maleficio hecho por invocación + virtudes o potestades infernales, ya sea hecho por figuras grabadas en oro, plata, cobre, estaño, hierro, plomo u otro metal cualquiera; ya sea por huesos de muerto, de hombre o animal de cuatro patas, o de aves nocturnas; asimismo si fuera hecho el embrujamiento con pieces of wool, linen, silk, cotton or hemp, belonging to a dead or a living person, healthy or sick, or hair or nails Christian, Moorish Jew, or heretic, or be buried in grave of giants, or Jews, or Saracens, or Christians, and those that are made in stone, wood, grass or sea water or river, also the curses through books or words in statue metal or wax, or signs painted on scrolls, and also the facts in the mountains or valleys, castles, fortresses or Moors, in fields or vineyards, forests or jungles, next to a tree or under a bush or under a stone or rock, in a cabin or home field in the wall of a church, convent and chapel, in bed, or in the pit of a house, or any other site or location of high ground or deep, which also occur in food or drink , or rot in corrupt water, or use or have been consumed by fire.
+ Oh God Blessed!, O Holy God!, Mighty God, Good and Scary!, Make them disappear and are discard all the bad things said and done from east to west ... Getting rid of all evil and danger from winds and hail, downpours and storm, of lightning and thunder, ghosts and visions, of ambushes and betrayals, daggers and knives, all known or unknown bad thing ....
+ + Glory Glory to the Son + Glory to the Holy Spirit ... AMEN
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