Tuesday, February 8, 2011

What Size Padlock For A Gym Locker

Survey Program "footage of Internet downloads? Generation Me

At a time of social upheaval and full debate on the known popularly as "Law Sinde, we are interested in your views as a user of audiovisual material downloads through the Web. To do this, we would like that, anonymously, to answer the following questions.

This survey is an academic, therefore, has no political or commercial interests. The promoters of this study are from the Department of Public Communication at the University of Navarra and the Universidad San Antonio de Murcia, we want to know what are the perceptions of the Internet on how they are regarded by the English society and More specifically, the political authorities (for any questions you can go to María del Mar Grandío 'MGrandio@pdi.ucam.edu' or José Javier Sánchez Aranda 'jsaranda@unav.es').

Our goal is to understand the vision and opinions of the users of these platforms, because it seems essential to understand the current audiovisual landscape. You can express freely what they want about the matter. It will not take more than 10 minutes.

Responses from your answers will be of great utility for displaying your vision on academic conferences and specialized forums.

can access the survey here .


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