Dichoso el que sabe comprender al débil y al pobre;
en el día aciago Yahvé lo pone a salvo,
Yahvé cuida de él y lo hace vivir,
lo hace prospero sobre la tierra,
y no lo entrega a la voluntad de sus enemigos.
Yahvé lo conforta en el lecho del dolor,
y calma sus padecimientos
durante toda su enfermedad,
yo For my part I say :
"... Have mercy on me, Lord,
heal my soul because I have sinned against you ..."
My enemies speak evil of me with (saying):
"When die and his name perish?."
And whoever comes to visit
speaks falsehood
inside gossip makes provision
and then goes out and spreads.
I hate all come together to speak against me, my
imagine the worst:
"has occurred a malignant fever;
lay down and not rise again."
Even my friend who I trusted, who ate my bread
has lifted his heel against me.
More You Lord, Have mercy on me;
Lift me to reward them.
will know that you love me, if I hate
not strike at my expense,
and sustains me in my integrity,
remain in your presence forever.
Blessed be Yahweh, the God of Israel,
from eternity and for eternity!
Amen, Amen ...
Dichoso el que sabe comprender al débil y al pobre;
en el día aciago Yahvé lo pone a salvo,
Yahvé cuida de él y lo hace vivir,
lo hace prospero sobre la tierra,
y no lo entrega a la voluntad de sus enemigos.
Yahvé lo conforta en el lecho del dolor,
y calma sus padecimientos
durante toda su enfermedad,
yo For my part I say :
"... Have mercy on me, Lord,
heal my soul because I have sinned against you ..."
My enemies speak evil of me with (saying):
"When die and his name perish?."
And whoever comes to visit
speaks falsehood
inside gossip makes provision
and then goes out and spreads.
I hate all come together to speak against me, my
imagine the worst:
"has occurred a malignant fever;
lay down and not rise again."
Even my friend who I trusted, who ate my bread
has lifted his heel against me.
More You Lord, Have mercy on me;
Lift me to reward them.
will know that you love me, if I hate
not strike at my expense,
and sustains me in my integrity,
remain in your presence forever.
Blessed be Yahweh, the God of Israel,
from eternity and for eternity!
Amen, Amen ...
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