confess my God, with acts that I deem as they are the truths that my conscience in this matter lay, only from the reason for who I am in myself and others, from my dear love and dedication from my mistake and consequence. Support
life with my effort and devotion, giving you every minute of encouragement given to the gentle breeze of life, giving thanks for seeing the light allowed to live makes my present, only from the same sense that I delivered to my Alma uncertain future this decision, I accept the challenge of my life.
Lord Forgive me if I do from my own arrogance of my life, for Yours, Mine did not, only from this sense and reason, live as if you were to die tomorrow, leaving today what should not be left tomorrow.
Thanks for Life and the Light that caresses my face, full of love those moments, those moments that despite his pain, I'll be routing to meet you, because from the consciousness that feels, is forging My Soul, with Ella, the very Essence of Light you in the Eternal and hopeful result of my life have given the breath of my Spirit ...
Thank you Lord my God, for being my Vital Truth, my constant consequence, my breath, my conscience and my soul ...
life with my effort and devotion, giving you every minute of encouragement given to the gentle breeze of life, giving thanks for seeing the light allowed to live makes my present, only from the same sense that I delivered to my Alma uncertain future this decision, I accept the challenge of my life.
Lord Forgive me if I do from my own arrogance of my life, for Yours, Mine did not, only from this sense and reason, live as if you were to die tomorrow, leaving today what should not be left tomorrow.
Thanks for Life and the Light that caresses my face, full of love those moments, those moments that despite his pain, I'll be routing to meet you, because from the consciousness that feels, is forging My Soul, with Ella, the very Essence of Light you in the Eternal and hopeful result of my life have given the breath of my Spirit ...
Thank you Lord my God, for being my Vital Truth, my constant consequence, my breath, my conscience and my soul ...
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