Blessed and praised be God for all eternity, all the angels and men who have created the image, perfection and likeness of yourself in the essence of your beloved and merciful soul, I adore you, Amen, Keep you and serve you, Holy God, Mighty God, Merciful God, Eternal God, Immortal God ...!.
And You Mary Queen of Heaven and the Angels, Mediatrix of all grace, Almighty in prayer, prayer and pray, receive prayer you kindly go to your servers and make it reach the Throne of the Most High to obtain Grace, Salvation, Mercy, and Relief.
And You Mary Queen of Heaven and the Angels, Mediatrix of all grace, Almighty in prayer, prayer and pray, receive prayer you kindly go to your servers and make it reach the Throne of the Most High to obtain Grace, Salvation, Mercy, and Relief.

Great and Holy Angels, God sends them to protect and help!
I call and spells, cover them with Your Coat!
I call and spells, protect us with Your Sword!
I call and spells, enlightened by Your Light!
I call and spells, sheltered under the Mantle of Your Halos!
I call and incantations, protected Rejoicing under the Mother of Mary!
I call and spells, confined to the Sacred Heart of Mary!
I call and spells, deposited on Tender and warm hands of our Mother Mary!
I call and spells, showing the way to the Gate of Life, to the Open Heart of Our Lord Jesus Christ!
I call and spells, safe driving by the Paths of Time and Life Providence, to Truth, Teachings and the House of God the Father Almighty!
I call and spells, apart from all Iniquity, Temptation, Evil and Sin in days granted in our life and stay in the land God gave us, that God the Father gave us!
All Choirs of Blessed Spirits, come to our Help!
Angels of Life, come to our Help!
Force Angeles in the Word of God the Father, come to our Help!
Angels charity, come to our Help!
Angeles that God gives especially as guides and companions, come to our Help!
call them and conjure in the Name of God, One in Three People come to our Socorro, Sean Our Help!
We call on behalf Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ, come to our Socorro, Sean Our Help!
We call on the Almighty Name of Jesus, come to our Socorro, Sean Our Help!
We call on all the wounds of our Lord Jesus Christ, come to our Socorro, Sean Our Help!
We call on all the suffering, torture and suffering of our Lord Jesus Christ, come to our Socorro, Sean Our Help!
We call on all Feelings, pains and thoughts of our Lord Jesus Christ, come to our Socorro, Sean Our Help!
The call by the Holy Word of God, Holy Father Almighty,
come to our Socorro, Sean Our Help!
call them by the Sacred Heart of our Lord Jesus Christ,
come to our Socorro, Sean Our Help!
call them in the Name of God's infinite love and merciful Father, for us as poor and conditioned in the flesh,
come to our Socorro, Sean Our Help!
We call on the name of fidelity, Eternal Loyalty and Love of God for us even from our weakened faith, making us poor and humble condition,
come to our Socorro, Sean Our Help!
We call on Behalf of the infinite mercy of God the Father for us and our weaknesses,
come to our Socorro, Sean Our Help!
We call on the Name of Mary Immaculate, Queen and Mother in heaven and on earth,
come to our Socorro, Sean Our Help!
We call on Behalf of Mother Mary, the Queen and Sovereign,
come to our Socorro, Sean Our Help!
We call on the Name of Mary merciful Mother of God and our Mother,
come to our Socorro, Sean Our Help!
The call from his own happiness and joy,
come to our Socorro, Sean Our Help!
The call from his own loyalty and from their Allegiance,
come to our Socorro, Sean Our Help!
call them by their own strength and faith, by its conditions and disciplines, for their souls and spirits of Light,
come to our Socorro, Sean Our Help!
The call by the very essence of your likeness and image with God, our common Father, brothers in Soul and Spirit of Condition,
come to our Socorro, Sean Our Help!
We call on behalf Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ, come to our Socorro, Sean Our Help!
We call on the Almighty Name of Jesus, come to our Socorro, Sean Our Help!
We call on all the wounds of our Lord Jesus Christ, come to our Socorro, Sean Our Help!
We call on all the suffering, torture and suffering of our Lord Jesus Christ, come to our Socorro, Sean Our Help!
We call on all Feelings, pains and thoughts of our Lord Jesus Christ, come to our Socorro, Sean Our Help!
The call by the Holy Word of God, Holy Father Almighty,
come to our Socorro, Sean Our Help!
call them by the Sacred Heart of our Lord Jesus Christ,
come to our Socorro, Sean Our Help!
call them in the Name of God's infinite love and merciful Father, for us as poor and conditioned in the flesh,
come to our Socorro, Sean Our Help!
We call on the name of fidelity, Eternal Loyalty and Love of God for us even from our weakened faith, making us poor and humble condition,
come to our Socorro, Sean Our Help!
We call on Behalf of the infinite mercy of God the Father for us and our weaknesses,
come to our Socorro, Sean Our Help!
We call on the Name of Mary Immaculate, Queen and Mother in heaven and on earth,
come to our Socorro, Sean Our Help!
We call on Behalf of Mother Mary, the Queen and Sovereign,
come to our Socorro, Sean Our Help!
We call on the Name of Mary merciful Mother of God and our Mother,
come to our Socorro, Sean Our Help!
The call from his own happiness and joy,
come to our Socorro, Sean Our Help!
The call from his own loyalty and from their Allegiance,
come to our Socorro, Sean Our Help!
call them by their own strength and faith, by its conditions and disciplines, for their souls and spirits of Light,
come to our Socorro, Sean Our Help!
The call by the very essence of your likeness and image with God, our common Father, brothers in Soul and Spirit of Condition,
come to our Socorro, Sean Our Help!

I call and spells, cover them with Your Coat!
I call and spells, protect us with Your Sword!
I call and spells, enlightened by Your Light!
I call and spells, sheltered under the Mantle of Your Halos!
I call and incantations, protected Rejoicing under the Mother of Mary!
I call and spells, confined to the Sacred Heart of Mary!
I call and spells, deposited on Tender and warm hands of our Mother Mary!
I call and spells, showing the way to the Gate of Life, to the Open Heart of Our Lord Jesus Christ!
I call and spells, safe driving by the Paths of Time and Life Providence, to Truth, Teachings and the House of God the Father Almighty!
I call and spells, apart from all Iniquity, Temptation, Evil and Sin in days granted in our life and stay in the land God gave us, that God the Father gave us!

All Choirs of Blessed Spirits, come to our Help!
Angels of Life, come to our Help!
Force Angeles in the Word of God the Father, come to our Help!
Angels charity, come to our Help!
Angeles that God gives especially as guides and companions, come to our Help!
come to our help and our Help!
Because we had inherited the blood of our Lord and King,
come to our support and care!
Because we had inherited the Sacred Heart of our Lord and King,
come to our support and care!
Because we had inherited, the Sacred Heart of Mary, Virgin Most Pure, Our Mother and Queen,
come to our support and care!
We pray, I pray you, Holy Father God, through Jesus Christ our Lord, our brother in the flesh and blood, by the Holy Spirit, Eternal Essence of Our image and likeness of God Almighty Creator,
come to our support and care!
Because we had inherited the Sacred Heart of our Lord and King,
come to our support and care!
Because we had inherited, the Sacred Heart of Mary, Virgin Most Pure, Our Mother and Queen,
come to our support and care!
We pray, I pray you, Holy Father God, through Jesus Christ our Lord, our brother in the flesh and blood, by the Holy Spirit, Eternal Essence of Our image and likeness of God Almighty Creator,
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