Saturday, April 23, 2011
Small Penis Attractive
As has been widely publicized, the forthcoming refurbishment of the Avenida San Martín, which includes remodeling and beautification, it will completely change the image on the main avenue casarense. The widening of part of their path integral of such change, installation of pergolas, benches and placement of new street lights, modern lighting, will give a different look that surely has to contrast with the general state of the square San Martin, without filing a deplorable image or neglected, shows the passage of time without being have made substantial modifications and arrangements. The red trails are in very poor condition, are a class banks and other sectors where public events are made need to redesign the pergola and gazebo claim a paint job, like tidying up of beds and the area devoted to children's games. The ways of white tiles cry out thorough cleaning and care of the lamps is necessary. These shortcomings will become very noticeable when the Avenida San Martin has the details beautiful project.
know that the commune has to draft this avenue with a specific grant, which, upon an appropriate management can be extended to be designated for that ride. Do not forget that now and Plaza San Martin never has again become a community asset for use in the elderly, youth and families gather to spend their leisure time there. Formerly the place of meeting required casarenses custom that over time has been lost, and now has resurfaced in a remarkable and welcome.
The beautification of the square to is in keeping with the Avenida San Martin, is an idea, perhaps a suggestion. Like so many who turn in this space, with the intention to collaborate and convey concerns.
What Is Blocking My Throat
The train ran over a truck.
Pergamino A family traveling in a Ford Ranger pickup truck suffered a terrible train accident,
husbands died and a young friend, while the couple's two children were with serious injuries . It happened on Thursday around 6.15 pm., The level crossing Route 50 at a time when the visibility was very low due to dense fog.
They were from Pergamino, did not know the area and traveling to top wrapped in a thick fog. They had left their city very early, probably to take advantage of the long weekend. Traveling along the route 50 and not seen, or rather the driver did not see, the proximity of the railway level crossing, which is not marked as it should, with speed reducers, light signals and audible alarms. Just then approached a passenger train (locomotive 9063) that had left Pehuajó towards our city, the old diesel train, training ruinous anyone explain how it continues to provide service. Oscar Drivers Dorazio comment that observed after the lights of the truck approaching the level crossing and that it did not stop. He rang the powerful speaker, and it seemed that the driver tried to brake, but when he could not wanted to go, but it was too late. The machine he was hit and dragged him squarely in the midst of a hellish chisperío about 300 meters until it stopped.
Ford Ranger pickup in the pte. 368 EDT traveled a marriage, a young friend or relative and two children. The driver identified as Ruben Fabian Romero, 46, his wife Teresita Margarita Barroso, 39, Arza's friend Maria Florencia 18, and two children, Ana Carla Romero, 17, and Augustine 10 years Aníbal Romero . died on the spot the driver, his wife and young Arza, minor children resulting in injury, Ana Romero with head injury and broken pelvis, while Augustine Romero had a fracture of the humerus, left radius and ulna, fractured pelvis and chest trauma. He was in coma. Both were transferred to parchment.
The way we were the bodies trapped in the wreckage of the truck, demanded a titanic efforts by local firefighters, who had to use special tools to cut the roof, seats, studs and parts of the truck.
passengers were known to be preparing to enjoy the long holiday in Bahia San Blas, where a brother was waiting for the driver. Carrying luggage and about 10 thousand dollars cash, which were counted by the police in the presence of a witness. Hours after the accident, a victim's cell phone started ringing at the station. A police chief in his care and was a brother of the driver who wanted to know when they would arrive. The policeman gave him the sad news but was careful to say that his brother and his wife had died. He said they were interned, and try to come to Casares.
When the van was detached from the locomotive and the victims were removed, was past ten o'clock. Still missing out the truck routes and check whether the machine had no faults. In the train cars were still some of the 33 passengers on it.
While few trains pass already, that did not justify so a lack of signage at a level crossing across a path, in this case 50. Who does not know the existence of the crossing, it "eats" literally, because as mentioned at the beginning of this note, there is no warning to alert drivers of their proximity. Only two indicators are speed limits, one at about 150 m. it says 60 and the other at 100 meters that says 40. On some level crossings are placed about 100 meters before what is commonly called "Saw", to warn its proximity, also flashing red lights and an audible signal bell type. All that shines there by its absence, only seen on the same step at the classical triangular sign with a picture of a train and two iron cross on it. Added to all this on both sides of the level crossing observed Plumerillos high bushes and reeds to prevent the vision to both sides. Adding all that we are facing a death trap.
Doraci The driver and his assistant Oscar Eduardo Zacaro could not testify because of that were recalled, both broken by the terrible situation experienced. It is known that stress levels are the engine drivers, as a result both of the bombers that are thrown at railroad tracks or frequent accidents in the crossing. They see, nothing can do about it, then the consequences affect them psychologically.
Erro Pinnacle Media Center 150e

not find the capital but seized two antique chandeliers valuable
A delegation from Interpol and the Federal Police, eight members in total, he returned with a search warrant to stay "Mi Querencia" in near Bellocq, in order to intensify the search for Ionic capital that was allegedly stolen from the Roman Coliseum, according to a complaint filed by the government Italy years ago. The search was again unsuccessful, the famous spire or column appeared, but instead what could be a suspicious finding, the two huge and ancient chandeliers, which an expert who was present were allocated a huge value in euros. These candlesticks were outdoors near a dairy farm, surrounded by a ring of partial shade and four sticks ("like a toilet," said our informant), and no one could explain the reasons for their presence there. For this reason the police officers present decided preventive seizure by law enforcement and left to local police custody, until they can find their origin. They are annoying do, more than 200 kilos, with a carved shield, family-owned European ancestry, of 1.70 m. high.
So far he had never spoken in that room or his own, at least in alleged that there would be treasures. We discussed in the previous edition that the house is full of valuable works of art, mostly paintings and sculptures of ancient cultures. It is known that the owner is a English whose name would be Michael Cortez, a major collector of works of art, but not much, nor because he believed involved in the disappearance of the Ionic capital. It is clear that the strength of Interpol have very specific information and that is what has brought them back to the room after the first raid. And do not rule, as spelled out in the previous edition, returning to carry out excavations in search of the archaeological piece so much historical value.
is given for collectors who buy stolen art works of great value, that treasure in secret places where only they can admire. Is this a similar case?. For the moment nothing is known, the raids have been negative, so do not be the owner of the residence imputation. Unless, of course, that the candles have been reported stolen and he can not explain the reason for their presence there.
Selling My Authentic P90x On Ebay
holy Good and well, my friends / as of my life!
This weekend is very special, is a holy holiday, but hey, the reality is that most use it as an excuse to take a mini vacation, go to sleep somewhere nice, and others simply changes and stay at home, organized programs cornered with friends and enjoy several days of relaxation.
Atenti are also those who make up a third option, which we holidays as we take one more day and we laburando as always .... But happy!
I have noticed the presence of many people in the city, especially students who took a few days to come to these payments and wasting fun as always.
local night and took the color and action from Wednesday, and the great vedette was the scene of Guernica which offered pace and lots of cool, late into the night.
Thursday was karaoke bar and live show, and was re good.
many people are singing and having a super unplug ten!, Note that there are good vibes.
caravan continues tonight lively; cute and with lots of music in all areas of entertainment.
both bars and in the disc are good shows to enjoy, so do not have to keep crushing the "derriere" in their homes, if you out there partying for good!
in Sin City has been a phenomenal band, "The Tripping Band, six musicians on stage in the city of La Plata that promise a spectacular show the best pop music.
And for that matter, I tell you that last night the people of that local Disco, was celebrating his second year with a sensational party carioca nocheros which were part of this city and others who passed Pearl.
There was a festive atmosphere full and a lot of thanks by the staff of the bar for your confidence in these two years.
I'm going to tell and show more ...
Now I'm going to gossip a bit more than it was the scene of last weekend, which as usual always leaves plenty of material for cutting ...
Next, a mix of names of those who walked inroads into the top of the region late nights.
Selina O'Dwyer is so pretty!, And I'm not an exaggeration when I make this comment.
happens that many guys and women, which were seen again by the local morning after a long absence, agreed that the girl is pretty full and complements this with a unique sweetness.
and paste, because Seli is divine!
Saturday was flanked by friends, those outside the middle, which set out to enjoy the rhythm and cool.
cuore With regard to this woman, as is known to be extremely ten ....
Very Happy Birthday to "Chachi" Franco, genial and spontaneous friend and colleague, of course, yesterday met years old and was celebrating with his full entourage of friends.
The unique birthday stuffed wonders what happened to long talks and fun.
I dare say The move will be short .... That means that what happened pump.
Leandra Buotenmpo, Applied and Environmental pretty woman, was also carried away by the honey nocheriles last weekend.
always package and enigmatic, this baby was with friends, passing super, and generating buzz for the opposite sex looks wholesale.
Someone who knows a lot, told me that this cute ear would head to an amazing man who does not know what to do to focus their attention ....
Mmmm, you want to have a hard blue, right??
the hell happened that could not be more moved by was Aimé Pace.
The girl reached the same with all their big and turned the speed and very lively discussions.
The brunette, Sonrisal and nice weekend, cheering was long and hard with a handsome juveniles with which it appears, the same frequency tuned ....
More not know, because the smoke of the disc and the crowd, I was suddenly erased from the coverage area ...
Night Aimecita perfect!
Mariela Ortiz formed the staff of interesting and beautiful women who swarmed evening local soloists.
The blonde, charming and gentle, was with friends in complete arrest sipping drinks and engaging in discussion as more of them lavished looks hot.
Apparently Mario is alone and enjoy worry-free night of good times.
time to time, children, if you want to catch your attention, be patient!
Well, my love.
delivery for today, and come from two nights of intense meetings with loved ones and I need to take a break.
Of course my respiritos are only some hours, for today and I miss the late night crazy with amount of people going to move, not there!
clarify that I'm dying for chocolate, is my total weakness!
So if you want to send me some Easter eggs, happily accept it ... haha \u200b\u200b
pass it cute, take care and enjoy life!
Happy Easter!
The Radar.
Episodes Of Pinky And The Brain

Press Conference, more than 30 minutes, Gustavo Grobocopatel.
We were summoned to the center of Directors that the Group has Grobo to the side of Route 5, a few miles from our city. Despite a persistent drizzle, Yoyi friend came over to me. I was the first of the guests arrive. Mary readily, with great kindness and a smile, I said "started in minutes."
came other representatives of the press and made us move to the Conference Room. All very ceremonial, he did make a stuffy conference ...
But no. Gustavo arrived Grobocopatel our host and interviewee, and we proved otherwise. "It will be a talk with my friends, neighbors representatives of the press," he said as we were placing around the table - desktop, with team mate Fernando as driven by "working tool"
And not surprisingly, the first question of "neighbors journalist friends" was related to the prize which he characterized as the nation's leading employer
"In Argentina is the first delivery and the winners will compete once a year, the best entrepreneur in the world. Who have given me hope that I win, but I think they were wrong because I do not think this is possible, but ... is a very democratic recognition, many people vote and then get a trio and of them, a very representative jury of choosing the winner. Therefore has a certain prestige "
and gave us his opinion the value of this prize:
" I think the value of this award has to do with the team. I could not have won this award if here would not have hundreds of kids, entrepreneurs, youth, working with me and that enable the company progresses and growing daily. I think it is not personal recognition, but recognition of a team.
After talking about their goals and dreams, to be concrete in their vast majority to make your company take the place it is today, work and planning for that to happen, we talked group of people who share his dreams and projects
"Today more than 1000 people. In Argentina are 500 and 500 out of Argentina, in Brazil, Uruguay and Paraguay. The group is the one who answers the phone, from the janitor to the highest one, leadership is something situational. Telephone no leaders, no leaders ordinances and in fact many studies have been done on the company, many times the ordinance is one of the most important people in the collective. Thus, the "Gringo" Liberotti, our ordinances, it is a very important structure Grobo because "Gringo" is a legend, one who connects many things "
also talked about the location of Argentina in global concept:
"While the world knows the potential of Argentina, however we are not in a place of importance in the global concept, except in some specific events, for agriculture, soybean that we are well positioned, do not appear in the global radar. The news that appears on the world of what happens in Argentina, are not positive, and I refer to the data: there is little foreign investment or little interest in coming to Argentina. Moreover, silver is leaving the circuit Argentine and goes outside. Not necessarily out of the country, but there are many people who put your money "under the mattress", which is the same as going out. We have a collective long-term project and that makes people react in the short-term thinking. Entrepreneurs do not invest in long-term projects. Carlos Casares In no industries to absorb 400 or 500. For this to happen to do projects that require 7 or 8 years and you never know what can happen in that time. The same thing happens to politicians, whose speeches are linked to the short term, the election next month. They are linked to a national vision or investments that demand long term. So it is more profitable to invest in, say, painting the plaza and not invest in sewers or education ... If the investment is in culture. do a festival, people are happy and maybe we will vote the next election, but not be artists, that needed a certain time. "
was Outdoor drizzle. For the nearby asphalt ribbon of Route 5 passing vehicles were raising a curtain of droplets in their path, and the Conference Hall Grobo time passed without our noticing it, because we were involved in this talk of friendly neighbors. And like any gathering of friends, touched various topics that were discussed by our host, and could not miss the political analysis of our country:
"If I were to critique the political process we are living today I think it would be if we have to create conditions for this process is a collective process and not a group particular opinion, more mainstream it is, because they can no longer be a majority within a year, five years, ten years and there paste the other way around. We already happened in the 80's, in the 90's. And this is not a problem only of politicians, as an entrepreneur and, or I'll take care of the part I played "
" we have the illusion that we are well "
Speaking of convenience and needs, said Gustavo Grobocopatel:
"We must transform the processed grain products. Casares should have a factory to process soybeans, chickens that give work to 500 or 600. That is, a productive matrix much more comprehensive and diversified than we have today, and we are losing that opportunity, which is like missing the train that is passing us. And if we lose it will be for two reasons: incentives are not well given and because we have the illusion that we're fine. We have to go for more, we can not stop thinking, even those who agree with this process, we have already done everything and there's nothing more to do "
already on the end of this long talk, Grobocopatel Engineer said, referring to have now also begun to call "the King of wheat "
" I do not believe in monarchies, so nicknamed King do not like. I relate so much with wheat, because we have grown a lot in the chain of wheat, millers did us, we have industries, today we collectors, middlemen and exporters. We are putting together an interesting business with wheat. Chickens could be and other things. Our vocation is to industrialize and the company is preparing for that to happen. Wheat is a very important crop in the world and Argentina should produce twice the wheat than it produces. "
As to whether there will be a record soybean harvest, said:
"I think not. Soybean yields will be lower than they believe, has less rain, there is talk of 49 and 50 million tons of soybeans, I think it will be less than 47 million, unfortunately '
It ended answered:
"With regard to the" famous "prize of Monaco, in June. I'll settle for a glorious position number 50 "
As the famous case of the herdsmen, hot water was completed and completed on mate ... In this case, the meeting ended, Gustavo greeted each us, Mary gave us a gift of remembrance: still raining outside and started back pleased to have passed a pleasant time with friends ...
Midrange A/v Receiver
With a lovely holiday and super animated jukebox Pizzeria, on Saturday 16 April, Squiziatto Farias Camila, a beautiful young woman, celebrated her fifteenth birthday.
Many friends and family shared a fantastic night with the birthday girl, who wore a short white dress divinely delicate and youthful, acquired in Federal Capital, which hairstyle highlighted a Camiletti Claudio, Gino Salon 's
The many guests enjoyed a very rich menu prepared by the Ilinchetta family, owners of the hall.
the time full of fun, Fabio Molinetti and equipment were responsible for the central animation and music composition.
Camila lived a very nice holiday with family, friends and her boyfriend, which lasted until the wee hours, abounding total fun and unforgettable moments.
Arr: colorful wigs dancing stood out in Rio, and Cami with her friends wore divine Ab.: Camila, super happy, with a group of friends in the VIP area of \u200b\u200bthe room.
Photos Santiago. Camino Diego filming the event.
How High To Curtain Holdbacks
Foglia, Romagnoli Seraci and the president of IPS
Days last held a meeting at the IPS (Institute of Social Welfare), whose president is Javier Mazza, who was with his secretary to the delegation of our city built by Senator Omar Foglia, the Mayor, Mr. Luis Seraci and Finance Secretary of Government and Mr. José Luis Romagnoli.
to internalize the subject, talked with Mr. Romagnoli, who explained to us the result of that interview.
"We were talking, among other things, the reason for the delay of the municipal scale, to incorporate the increase in liabilities to current employees received last year through small changes in basic. Mazza President was very interested in resolving this issue because I already knew him and knew almost a year now in the hands of IPS and still no resolution.
The other issue which we emphasized was in delaying retirement for any municipal employee, as it is in the order of 12 or 14 months, what that means for a person who quit his job and failed to receive the salary at the time of his resignation. For us this is very complex because we have to live helped. Before there was a sort of convention (in other municipalities there) where the municipality paying 60% of salary until the person began to collect his retirement. On this subject, Mazza told us that the idea of \u200b\u200bIPS is to conform to what the law they make, or that retirement is not delayed beyond 60 days, as do teachers.
The third issue was a list of people pensioner, whose spouse died at the time and when retired had a category that disappeared and so they froze the income. So for years they do not receive adjustments, because the IPS has not matched the categories and that strictly corresponds to a resolution of them, because what the municipality is to send information corresponding to the disappearance of the category and the new categorization , but it is the IPS has to say which category equals the disappeared.
And the last issue we raise is referred to the IPS has changed all that has to do with customer service on the ground floor, so now everyone who comes has to go to different boxes and zafás not there. Before the delegates, especially ours, which are Cristina Aguilar and Miguel Binda, demanded the records in each of the offices concerned, now, if a neighbor is common to make arrangements in a particular way, reaches the same point reached by delegates and that takes away dynamics, management ends up in a box, period. Well they stated that they intend to establish branches to have a little more outreach.
The truth is that what impressed me most was the willingness and the time they gave us to exhaust all the issues. "
Film Mario Salieri En Streaming
Failing agreement, the proposed PJ that internal candidates will
On Thursday evening the Council met the Peronist Party led by José Luis Perinasso. They decided to open primary on 14 August and there arises the mayoral candidate of the Peronist.
Tired of sterile and meetings in order to realize the long-awaited local Peronist union, the leadership, or the Council of local Peronist Party decided at its meeting on Thursday night, promoting participation of candidates of different fractions in order to submit to the primaries (internal) mandatory open 14th of August. Participated in the meeting about 8 or 9 members of the council, headed by its president, Jose Luis "Penino" Perinasso, which after a change of opinion almost unanimously approved the above. The only member of the Council demurred to the bill was the known militant José Luis Gandini, who by protecting their opinion on past experience, felt that this was not the best idea. Anyway, overwhelmingly voted, resolved to issue a statement (see page 8). In order to make the decision public.
As next step is to convene the different sectors Peronism in order to keep them aware of the measure, as well as the utter disregard of the party would not support any of the candidates, even if you decide to do some of the members of the Governing Party.
Will there be as many candidates have been nominated?. That's the million dollar question. The other question has to do with discipline and respect the popular will. Support the losing candidates "to succeed in the internship.
Denise Milani Expanding Breasts
This time there were no complaints. The meat is more expensive
Traditionally, every year with the arrival of Easter and the forced consumption of fish for people who keep the Christian liturgy speaks of the high prices of fish, often inaccessible for the less affluent. But this year we have received no complaints, prices appear to have been modest and it seems everyone has been eating fish. We also say that Casares fortunately now has very stocked fishmonger, to which are added offers super casual and supermarkets.
And those who deny the Christian traditions, the same as for these celebrations as a challenge said: "I'm like a flower of barbecue," now, if they want to, should roll up and pay the high prices meat, previously reserved for fish.
And the thing siga así, muy pronto en los restaurantes se podrá escuchar: «¡marche un filet de merluza a caballo con papas fritas!».
Friday, April 22, 2011
Bootss Make Ankles Hurt

born ALUS a webseries entertainment made by college and university. May 10 is the premiere and hang the first webisode. The webseries is an initiative of the University of San Jorge and is produced by Fresh Brain Productions.
WILLIAM, LAURA, THOMAS AND ESTHER. They are Alus, four friends who share their college life, stress, their joys, their emotions ... Anything that Gonzalo, a student of Communication Studies, wants to capture in shaping the documentary that is due at the end of the semester. "Gonzo" is 19, just met these guys and will be responsible to portray their personalities and their little adventures.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Catchy Slogans About Healthy Foods
you refuse, each Holy Thursday
As Peter denied you
I refuse every day I close my eyes And I see
poverty ...
Neither death nor pain ...
And I know you call me, looking me
And I want to follow ...
Remove your nails, your wound heal ...
Hold you on the cross, make it mine And I refuse
Each Holy Thursday Holy Thursday ... Seeking
find ...
affirm you, hold you ...
Quitarte that cross and carry it
Holy Father, give me strength Help me to follow
I want to hug your cross and carry it
May this Holy Thursday is ...
My meeting with your cross. Reme
Thursday, April 14, 2011
When Do You Capitalize Communism

-2011.pdf Agenda
OCI2010-Practice-Level I.doc
OCI2010-Practice-Level II.doc
OCI2010-Practice-Level III.doc
OCI2010-Theory-Level I.doc
OCI2010-Theory-Level II.doc
OCI2010-Theory III.doc-Level
Technical Resolutions
Law No. 19550 (Corporations)
Penal Code
Commercial Code
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Funny Cards For A Hysterectomy

is perhaps one of the most important series of cult sci-fi, along with Doctor Who . But also, Battlestar Galactica is a creative universe has been expanding an autonomous manner across different platforms. With Article Narrative discourse crossmedia television science fiction. Study of Battlestar Galactica (2003-2010) ", trying to explore the potential cross-media narrative of science fiction series and their use for recreational and commercial nature in the system Current TV.
highlight the following as key to its expansion proper platform:
1) The key to the narrative unity of this series is provided by the macro-narrative and thematic depth of science fiction itself. In the case of Battlestar Galactica 2003 important has been the combination of topics from science-fiction classic with others closer to the company post 11-S, which is present in an explicit or latent in all stories derived the universe of Galactica. The spatial unit has also been key. In particular, there are only 5 spaces which take turns in the narrative of the various media: Caprica, the Battlestar Galactica ship itself, New Caprica, the Earth and the ship of the Cylons.
2) But he knows, as we said, diversify across different platforms with a variety narrative. Where is more variety and possibilities of creating narrative stories in multi-platform game is in the timing and character. In the case of Battlestar Galactica 2003hay a historic moment lasacciones central ordering all the stories that have related to that world. We talk about the big blow of the Cylons and that results in the loss of humanity and his flight. All the stories of different platforms independent but are related in some way to "fall." Also worth noting as there are a variety of characters who parade through the different media and can be the focus of new stories.
3) It has also been very important consumer involvement. Transmediale narratives also include changes in the production of cultural materials such as so-called User Generated Content generated by users and typical of a culture of collaboration. This would be the highest degree of involvement of a fan with your favorite fictional world and form a link in the narratives transmediale. These products are created by fans materials generated by the interpretations given to their own official histories and become in some cases authentic artistic products.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Litton 41 Sedan Trawler
You can listen to the program last night of The Usual Suspects where they interviewed the actress Loles Leon and Vivian Fernandez, who discussed the play The Great Depression. Also discussed with Bosco Palacios docu-reality on Course 73, Downton commented me the number and spoke with Ramon Abbey Fields, creator, producer and scriptwriter of the series Hispania and Gran Reserva.