Saturday, April 23, 2011

How High To Curtain Holdbacks


Foglia, Romagnoli Seraci and the president of IPS

Days last held a meeting at the IPS (Institute of Social Welfare), whose president is Javier Mazza, who was with his secretary to the delegation of our city built by Senator Omar Foglia, the Mayor, Mr. Luis Seraci and Finance Secretary of Government and Mr. José Luis Romagnoli.

to internalize the subject, talked with Mr. Romagnoli, who explained to us the result of that interview.

"We were talking, among other things, the reason for the delay of the municipal scale, to incorporate the increase in liabilities to current employees received last year through small changes in basic. Mazza President was very interested in resolving this issue because I already knew him and knew almost a year now in the hands of IPS and still no resolution.

The other issue which we emphasized was in delaying retirement for any municipal employee, as it is in the order of 12 or 14 months, what that means for a person who quit his job and failed to receive the salary at the time of his resignation. For us this is very complex because we have to live helped. Before there was a sort of convention (in other municipalities there) where the municipality paying 60% of salary until the person began to collect his retirement. On this subject, Mazza told us that the idea of \u200b\u200bIPS is to conform to what the law they make, or that retirement is not delayed beyond 60 days, as do teachers.


The third issue was a list of people pensioner, whose spouse died at the time and when retired had a category that disappeared and so they froze the income. So for years they do not receive adjustments, because the IPS has not matched the categories and that strictly corresponds to a resolution of them, because what the municipality is to send information corresponding to the disappearance of the category and the new categorization , but it is the IPS has to say which category equals the disappeared.

And the last issue we raise is referred to the IPS has changed all that has to do with customer service on the ground floor, so now everyone who comes has to go to different boxes and zafás not there. Before the delegates, especially ours, which are Cristina Aguilar and Miguel Binda, demanded the records in each of the offices concerned, now, if a neighbor is common to make arrangements in a particular way, reaches the same point reached by delegates and that takes away dynamics, management ends up in a box, period. Well they stated that they intend to establish branches to have a little more outreach.

The truth is that what impressed me most was the willingness and the time they gave us to exhaust all the issues. "


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