Saturday, April 23, 2011

What Is Blocking My Throat


The train ran over a truck.


Pergamino A family traveling in a Ford Ranger pickup truck suffered a terrible train accident,

husbands died and a young friend, while the couple's two children were with serious injuries . It happened on Thursday around 6.15 pm., The level crossing Route 50 at a time when the visibility was very low due to dense fog.

They were from Pergamino, did not know the area and traveling to top wrapped in a thick fog. They had left their city very early, probably to take advantage of the long weekend. Traveling along the route 50 and not seen, or rather the driver did not see, the proximity of the railway level crossing, which is not marked as it should, with speed reducers, light signals and audible alarms. Just then approached a passenger train (locomotive 9063) that had left Pehuajó towards our city, the old diesel train, training ruinous anyone explain how it continues to provide service. Oscar Drivers Dorazio comment that observed after the lights of the truck approaching the level crossing and that it did not stop. He rang the powerful speaker, and it seemed that the driver tried to brake, but when he could not wanted to go, but it was too late. The machine he was hit and dragged him squarely in the midst of a hellish chisperío about 300 meters until it stopped.


Ford Ranger pickup in the pte. 368 EDT traveled a marriage, a young friend or relative and two children. The driver identified as Ruben Fabian Romero, 46, his wife Teresita Margarita Barroso, 39, Arza's friend Maria Florencia 18, and two children, Ana Carla Romero, 17, and Augustine 10 years Aníbal Romero . died on the spot the driver, his wife and young Arza, minor children resulting in injury, Ana Romero with head injury and broken pelvis, while Augustine Romero had a fracture of the humerus, left radius and ulna, fractured pelvis and chest trauma. He was in coma. Both were transferred to parchment.


The way we were the bodies trapped in the wreckage of the truck, demanded a titanic efforts by local firefighters, who had to use special tools to cut the roof, seats, studs and parts of the truck.


passengers were known to be preparing to enjoy the long holiday in Bahia San Blas, where a brother was waiting for the driver. Carrying luggage and about 10 thousand dollars cash, which were counted by the police in the presence of a witness. Hours after the accident, a victim's cell phone started ringing at the station. A police chief in his care and was a brother of the driver who wanted to know when they would arrive. The policeman gave him the sad news but was careful to say that his brother and his wife had died. He said they were interned, and try to come to Casares.


When the van was detached from the locomotive and the victims were removed, was past ten o'clock. Still missing out the truck routes and check whether the machine had no faults. In the train cars were still some of the 33 passengers on it.


While few trains pass already, that did not justify so a lack of signage at a level crossing across a path, in this case 50. Who does not know the existence of the crossing, it "eats" literally, because as mentioned at the beginning of this note, there is no warning to alert drivers of their proximity. Only two indicators are speed limits, one at about 150 m. it says 60 and the other at 100 meters that says 40. On some level crossings are placed about 100 meters before what is commonly called "Saw", to warn its proximity, also flashing red lights and an audible signal bell type. All that shines there by its absence, only seen on the same step at the classical triangular sign with a picture of a train and two iron cross on it. Added to all this on both sides of the level crossing observed Plumerillos high bushes and reeds to prevent the vision to both sides. Adding all that we are facing a death trap.


Doraci The driver and his assistant Oscar Eduardo Zacaro could not testify because of that were recalled, both broken by the terrible situation experienced. It is known that stress levels are the engine drivers, as a result both of the bombers that are thrown at railroad tracks or frequent accidents in the crossing. They see, nothing can do about it, then the consequences affect them psychologically.


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