is perhaps one of the most important series of cult sci-fi, along with Doctor Who . But also, Battlestar Galactica is a creative universe has been expanding an autonomous manner across different platforms. With Article Narrative discourse crossmedia television science fiction. Study of Battlestar Galactica (2003-2010) ", trying to explore the potential cross-media narrative of science fiction series and their use for recreational and commercial nature in the system Current TV.
highlight the following as key to its expansion proper platform:
1) The key to the narrative unity of this series is provided by the macro-narrative and thematic depth of science fiction itself. In the case of Battlestar Galactica 2003 important has been the combination of topics from science-fiction classic with others closer to the company post 11-S, which is present in an explicit or latent in all stories derived the universe of Galactica. The spatial unit has also been key. In particular, there are only 5 spaces which take turns in the narrative of the various media: Caprica, the Battlestar Galactica ship itself, New Caprica, the Earth and the ship of the Cylons.
2) But he knows, as we said, diversify across different platforms with a variety narrative. Where is more variety and possibilities of creating narrative stories in multi-platform game is in the timing and character. In the case of Battlestar Galactica 2003hay a historic moment lasacciones central ordering all the stories that have related to that world. We talk about the big blow of the Cylons and that results in the loss of humanity and his flight. All the stories of different platforms independent but are related in some way to "fall." Also worth noting as there are a variety of characters who parade through the different media and can be the focus of new stories.
3) It has also been very important consumer involvement. Transmediale narratives also include changes in the production of cultural materials such as so-called User Generated Content generated by users and typical of a culture of collaboration. This would be the highest degree of involvement of a fan with your favorite fictional world and form a link in the narratives transmediale. These products are created by fans materials generated by the interpretations given to their own official histories and become in some cases authentic artistic products.
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