Saturday, December 19, 2009

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day light, we expect our eyes to this sun that shines on us in life, to You God the Holy Father, Spirit of Peace and Mercy, to Thee we raise our eyes, begging these days of solemnity, fill our hearts with the precious goods of Holy Love, We thank you Lord for all the fruits of that in our tables are available for your bliss, Thy will be dictated by Providence to come in the future of our tomorrow blind, are You Lord , Our Saving and guide and direct the Peace of Heart and Reason these days and in the future.
encourage and help us know who live in poverty, help us to understand the injustices that subject, help us to be clothed with humility and excellence of gratitude and goodness, make us feel the pain of the suffering, to be gift in The must own one of these days, so that acts and daily exercise of our life, do not go unnoticed from our conditions and limitations reasons, we are and we understand justice from the truth that has kept us in cleaning itself of Love that impel us. Lord Forgive
inclement to which you are exposing the misconduct against our neighbor, the involuntades that weaken the soul and faith and the rights of those not appropriate without giving direction and meaning to the duties and obligations with others and the life we \u200b\u200bundertake ...


Sunday, November 22, 2009

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litany From deep in my soul, in the constant plea for life, a pilgrimage in the middle of the blind providence, beg and implore you hear the whispers my silence, my thoughts and my feelings, let me in You, my word, my word is full of forges and constant examples Your Divine Presence, and it is the only one of your wishes ...
Make my life, mirror of your essence, I'm in this pilgrim's your wills Lord my God, do on me that the intent and guilt that causes me, is support for improvement and perfection, not sin, because I'm blind from the condition that you grant me free, I was always my conscience and be witness of my presence before you, at the time of my death, that his glass is transparent, for You Lord, with Your encouragement to fall through ... Mortal
I only apologize for this Lord, for not being perfect, for my limited conceptions of life, the universality that combines me, I ask from the flesh and blood makes me fair and clothing, is to listen very of my soul, being self-conscious of your voice, hearing you in the avatar of my life constantly, and your word is my refuge and for all of me in all and for all ... My Lord. I give
Thank you, just because I ask for anything, because you know my faults and insecurities, not for me to tell my father, I am pleased that the benefit because it is just not the case, yours is the will that moves me and therefore I apologize if I make my pride in my life that is not mine and that you, in your mercy you have given me ... Amen


Friday, November 13, 2009

Brownies Thinking Day Activities


Lord of Life, God of my soul, to meet you in the days of my life going, walking among the stones and crosses, where sin comes to meet me, just from the truth of my word, I teach in examples the need of the work worthy of my days.
confess my God, with acts that I deem as they are the truths that my conscience in this matter lay, only from the reason for who I am in myself and others, from my dear love and dedication from my mistake and consequence. Support
life with my effort and devotion, giving you every minute of encouragement given to the gentle breeze of life, giving thanks for seeing the light allowed to live makes my present, only from the same sense that I delivered to my Alma uncertain future this decision, I accept the challenge of my life.
Lord Forgive me if I do from my own arrogance of my life, for Yours, Mine did not, only from this sense and reason, live as if you were to die tomorrow, leaving today what should not be left tomorrow.
Thanks for Life and the Light that caresses my face, full of love those moments, those moments that despite his pain, I'll be routing to meet you, because from the consciousness that feels, is forging My Soul, with Ella, the very Essence of Light you in the Eternal and hopeful result of my life have given the breath of my Spirit ...
Thank you Lord my God, for being my Vital Truth, my constant consequence, my breath, my conscience and my soul ...

Sunday, November 8, 2009

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Returned to the Lord, God the Father Almighty,
with Pure Heart,
thank Him so deeply and sincerely as
allow our smallness:
begging With all my heart
his extraordinary gentleness
deign to make your welcome
hear our prayers;
that, with his strength,
expel the enemy from our actions and reasoning,
multiply our faith,
rule our minds, give

spiritual thoughts and bring us happiness through Jesus Christ, His Son.
San Augustine

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Lord God, teach me where and how to find you, where and how to find ...
You are my God, you are my Lord,
and I've never seen.

Thou hast thou hast modeling and remodeling,
and have given me all the good things I possess,
and still do not know you ...
Teach me how to get you ...
because I do not know if you find you do not teach me,
not find you if you yourself do not you introduce yourself to me.

That you look in my desire,
want you in my search.

you find loving and to love you when you are.


San Anselmo de Canterbury

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the Holy Angels Litany

Lord, have mercy on us!
Christ, have mercy on us!
Lord, have mercy on us!
Christ, hear!
Christ, hear us!
God the Father, Creator of the Angels, have mercy on us!
God the Son, Lord of Angels, have mercy on us!
God the Holy Spirit, Life of Angels, have mercy on us!
Holy Trinity, Delight of all the Angels, have mercy on us!

Santa Maria, pray for us!
Queen of all Angels, Pray for us!
All Choirs of Blessed Spirits, Pray for us!
Holy Angels, Angels of Love, Pray for us! Santos
Cherubs, Angels of the Word, Pray for us! Santos
Thrones, Angels of Life, pray for us!
Angels of Adoration, pray for us!
Santo Domingo, Pray for us! Holy
powers, pray for us! Santos
Principalities of Heaven, Pray for us!

San Miguel Archangel, pray for us!
Winner of Lucifer, pray for us!
Angel of Faith and Humanity, pray for us!
Preserver of the Holy Sacrament, pray for us!
Patron of the dying, pray for us!

San Gabriel Archangel, pray for us!
Holy Angel of the Incarnation, pray for us! True
Messenger of God, pray for us!
Angel of Hope and Peace, pray for us!
Protector of all the servants and servants of God, pray for us!
Guardian of Holy Baptism, pray for us!

San Rafael Archangel, pray for us!
Angel of Divine Love, pray for us! Winner
evil enemy, pray for us! Helper
in great need, pray for us!
Angel of pain and healing, pray for us!
Patron of doctors, travelers, pilgrims and travelers, pray for us!
Great Archangels Saints, Pray for us! Service
Angels before the Throne of God, Pray for us!
Guardian Angels, Pray for us! Helpers
our needs, pray for us! Support
any danger, pray for us!
Exhortations of our conscience, pray for us!
intercessors before the throne of God, Pray for us!
defense shield against the evil enemy, pray for us!
our constant companions, Pray for us! Drivers Segurisimos
us, pray for us!
most faithful Friends of ours, Pray for us! Wise
our Directors, Pray for us!
Examples of our obedience, Pray for us! Dildos
the abandonment and loneliness, Pray for us! Mirrors
humility and poverty, Pray for us!
Angels of our families, pray for us!
Angels of our children, pray for us!
All Angels, Pray for us!
assist us in Life!
assist us in death!
... At the time of Heaven I will thank
Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy on us !
Forgive, O Lord Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world!,
Hear, O Lord Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world!,
Have Mercy on us!
Christ, hear!
Christ, hear us!
Lord, have mercy on us!
V. - God sent his angels take care of you.


Saturday, November 7, 2009

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finished the OCI 2009

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OIC Third Instance of Chubut 2009

Olympiad participants Accounting Intercollegiate have been finalists in order of merit in the second instance, have competed on November 2 at the last stage of this year with the same enthusiasm and commitment to observe the previous times. Congratulations to all of them.

Final Results

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You are the Messenger of Love of God, I call, I beseech you, hurts your heart with a burning love for God and for no let this wound will never end, for us to stay on the right path of love in everyday life and everyday that God has been granted, overcoming obstacles and defeating all the strength of this love
Help, Santos Brothers and Big servers like us before God.
and protect us against ourselves, against our cowardice and warmth, against our selfishness and greed, against our temptations and greed, against our weakness and despair, against our sufficiency and pride, against our laziness and comfort, against our desire to be recognized and appreciated, by reason of men. ..
Desliganos Sin loop and any attachment and commitment to the world. Unleash the band of our eyes, to dispense with seeing the misery and mediocrity that surrounds us and to look with sincere humility and indeed our own self, not ashamed or embarrassed, with miseración. Clava
in our hearts the Sting of the Holy Restlessness of God the Father, for ever to look not cease with Perseverance, Passion, and Love .. Constriction Search
us Blood of Our Lord, in Twinning Meat, shed for us.
Search us your retina tears shed by the weakness of our cause. Search
us the image of God mercilessly torn, faded, damaged, image to which God would create us from his beloved Essence and Light, for his merciful love
Help us to recognize the Holy God, Our Father Heaven, to worship, love and serve ...
Help in fighting the evil powers from the darkness and blindness of the flesh surreptitiously oppress us ... Help
that none of us miss and that one day, joyful, we meet in the Gathering Eternal Happiness and ... AMEN

San Miguel Archangel, fight by our side with your angels, help us and pray for us!
San Rafael Arcangel, Fight on our side with your angels, help us and pray for us!
San Gabriel Archangel, Fight on our side with your angels, help us and pray for us! AMEN +


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You are the Angel of the Incarnation, the faithful messenger of God, Open our ears to catch the little signs and appeals of the loving heart of our Lord remains forever before our eyes, we call you, I beseech you, to correctly understand the Word of God and follow, obey and to fulfill what God wants from us. Let us

vigilant waiting for the Lord, lest we find you sleeping when I arrived ... AMEN


Friday, November 6, 2009

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... Almighty and eternal God, One in Three Persons, before calling the Holy Angels, your servers and call to our aid, we bow before You and praise You, You We bless and adore you, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Blessed and praised be God for all eternity, all the angels and men who have created the image, perfection and likeness of yourself in the essence of your beloved and merciful soul, I adore you, Amen, Keep you and serve you, Holy God, Mighty God, Merciful God, Eternal God, Immortal God ...!.
And You Mary Queen of Heaven and the Angels, Mediatrix of all grace, Almighty in prayer, prayer and pray, receive prayer you kindly go to your servers and make it reach the Throne of the Most High to obtain Grace, Salvation, Mercy, and Relief.

Great and Holy Angels, God sends them to protect and help!

call them and conjure in the Name of God, One in Three People come to our Socorro, Sean Our Help!
We call on behalf Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ, come to our Socorro, Sean Our Help!
We call on the Almighty Name of Jesus, come to our Socorro, Sean Our Help!
We call on all the wounds of our Lord Jesus Christ, come to our Socorro, Sean Our Help!
We call on all the suffering, torture and suffering of our Lord Jesus Christ, come to our Socorro, Sean Our Help!
We call on all Feelings, pains and thoughts of our Lord Jesus Christ, come to our Socorro, Sean Our Help!
The call by the Holy Word of God, Holy Father Almighty,
come to our Socorro, Sean Our Help!
call them by the Sacred Heart of our Lord Jesus Christ,
come to our Socorro, Sean Our Help!
call them in the Name of God's infinite love and merciful Father, for us as poor and conditioned in the flesh,
come to our Socorro, Sean Our Help!
We call on the name of fidelity, Eternal Loyalty and Love of God for us even from our weakened faith, making us poor and humble condition,
come to our Socorro, Sean Our Help!
We call on Behalf of the infinite mercy of God the Father for us and our weaknesses,
come to our Socorro, Sean Our Help!
We call on the Name of Mary Immaculate, Queen and Mother in heaven and on earth,
come to our Socorro, Sean Our Help!
We call on Behalf of Mother Mary, the Queen and Sovereign,
come to our Socorro, Sean Our Help!
We call on the Name of Mary merciful Mother of God and our Mother,
come to our Socorro, Sean Our Help!
The call from his own happiness and joy,
come to our Socorro, Sean Our Help!
The call from his own loyalty and from their Allegiance,
come to our Socorro, Sean Our Help!
call them by their own strength and faith, by its conditions and disciplines, for their souls and spirits of Light,
come to our Socorro, Sean Our Help!
The call by the very essence of your likeness and image with God, our common Father, brothers in Soul and Spirit of Condition,
come to our Socorro, Sean Our Help!

I call and spells, cover them with Your Coat!
I call and spells, protect us with Your Sword!
I call and spells, enlightened by Your Light!
I call and spells, sheltered under the Mantle of Your Halos!
I call and incantations, protected Rejoicing under the Mother of Mary!
I call and spells, confined to the Sacred Heart of Mary!
I call and spells, deposited on Tender and warm hands of our Mother Mary!
I call and spells, showing the way to the Gate of Life, to the Open Heart of Our Lord Jesus Christ!
I call and spells, safe driving by the Paths of Time and Life Providence, to Truth, Teachings and the House of God the Father Almighty!
I call and spells, apart from all Iniquity, Temptation, Evil and Sin in days granted in our life and stay in the land God gave us, that God the Father gave us!

All Choirs of Blessed Spirits, come to our Help!
Angels of Life, come to our Help!
Force Angeles in the Word of God the Father, come to our Help!
Angels charity, come to our Help!
Angeles that God gives especially as guides and companions, come to our Help!
come to our help and our Help!

Because we had inherited the blood of our Lord and King,
come to our support and care!
Because we had inherited the Sacred Heart of our Lord and King,
come to our support and care!
Because we had inherited, the Sacred Heart of Mary, Virgin Most Pure, Our Mother and Queen,
come to our support and care!
We pray, I pray you, Holy Father God, through Jesus Christ our Lord, our brother in the flesh and blood, by the Holy Spirit, Eternal Essence of Our image and likeness of God Almighty Creator,


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Help us, Lord! ...
as our salvation can only come from good
man in the hearts of our neighbors
the sense of justice, honesty and the Charity
care of our family who confidently expected of you,
the day our daily bread.
strengthens our bodies, gives serenity to our lives,
so we can correspond more easily, your grace and divine essence
... and feel about ourselves, about our concerns and anxieties
your fatherly love sailing

Monday, October 26, 2009

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second instance of the OIC Chubut 2009

On Monday October 19, 2009 we made the Olympics for the third year in intercollegiate accounting for the Level II. It was organized and respected the same parameters as above for Level I.

The event was attended by the Director of the establishment Prof. Raquel E. Hvalsoe, teachers by students and Jury.

The final results are:

Congratulations Finalists!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Heb Baby Shower Cakes

First Instance the OIC Chubut 2009

SUM facilities in our premises was carried out the development of the Body for Level I of the First Olympiad Accounting Intercollegiate Chubut 2009. Schools participated No. 714, 751 and 762 to pursue the same mode in Economics and Management of Organizations.
This time corresponded to Year 2 students.
The conference was organized in a first theoretical stage during the morning and afternoon practice.
At noon, during a rest period, participants could enjoy a brief snack and a light lunch, sharing talks and games, in a relaxed atmosphere, together with the teachers who accompanied their students to the competition.
Final Results
Congratulations to all! !

Monday, October 5, 2009

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Lord You've created the whole universe from nothing,
and has provided the land enough wealth to feed
all men who live there ...
come to our aid!
Lord, who cares for the lilies of the field
and the fowls of heaven,
the Sights, feeds and nourishes
and do prosper. Is
about us
your merciful Providence Paternal ... Amen


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Lord Free me evil man;
save me from violent men,
of those who in their hearts
devise perverse things,
causing strife each day
sharpen their tongues like a serpent,
have cobra venom on their lips,
Save me, O Lord, from the hands of the wicked,
Keep me from the wicked,
of those trying to break me down.
hide me The proud ties, and tend
mesh as a network;
traps placed me beside the road.
I say Lord, Thou art my God;
Lord hears the voice of my supplication.
Lord God, Powerful Relief Mio,
You cover my head on the day of battle.
do not satisfy the Lord, the desires of the wicked
not fulfill his plan
Raise No head which beset me
fall upon them the evil of their languages \u200b\u200b
coals raining down on them,
chasms precipitalos ,
to rise no more
man of evil tongue
on earth will not last;
woes hit fall
sobre el violento.
Sé que Yahvé Tomará la defensa del desválido,
Hará Justicia a los pobres
ciertamente los Justos celebrarán tu Nombre.
Los Rectos habitarán en tu presencia...

How Do I Take Away The Sweet Taste In My Chili?'

Psalm 108 (109)

Oh Dios, Gloría mía, no enmudezcas,
porque bocas impías y dolosas
se han abierto contra mi
y me hablan con lengua pérfida.
Me asedian con odiosos discursos,
me combaten sin motivo.
Por lo que should love me, accuse me, and I pray
me evil for good, and hatred
exchange for my love.
Put it under the hand of an unbeliever,
with the prosecutor on his right when judged, condemned
and prayer is sin.
his days and another received his ministry
their children become orphans

and his wife a widow.

Anden their children begging, wandering,

driven from their homes destroyed.
The usurer stalk all their property,

and fall prey of strangers
the fruits of their labor. Nobody

show mercy and no sorrow for his orphans

his posterity be delivered to the extermination
extinguish his name in the first generation.

Blame their parents be remembered by Yahweh,
and his mother's sin is not erased.

Always be in the eyes of Yahweh.

That He removed his memory land
but pursued the unfortunate, the poor, the afflicted
To give the death blow.
loved cursing, drop it off!

blessing would not stand well back!
was coated with cursing like a robe

and he entered into his bowels like water,

and like oil into his bones. Seale

colored blanket, and as

belt that girded always. Such payment

have Yahweh those who accuse me
and those who utter curses against me. More
your Lord, Lord, Make me
as the glory of thy name
, save me for thy goodness

is merciful because I am unhappy and poor,
and carry it in my wounded heart.
As a shadow that declines,
I'm fading, I am thrown
as lobster.
My knees falter,
weakened by fasting, and my flesh
emaciated, faints
and have come to be the scorn of them,
look at me, and make head wiggles.
Help me, Lord, my God,
Save me according to thy mercy
and know that here is your hand,

and that thou, O Lord, who has done it.

Let them curse, but You Lord, Bless me see
who rise up against me.
thy servant rejoice be covered with shame those who accuse me,
and wrapped in her confusion
like a cloak.
My mouth will be full of Praise to the Lord;
amid the large crowd
sing their glories;
porque Él se mantuvo
a la derecha de este pobre
para salvarlo de sus jueces...

Monday, September 28, 2009

Doujinshi Pokemon Jesse

PSALM 40 (41)

Dichoso el que sabe comprender al débil y al pobre;
en el día aciago Yahvé lo pone a salvo,
Yahvé cuida de él y lo hace vivir,
lo hace prospero sobre la tierra,
y no lo entrega a la voluntad de sus enemigos.
Yahvé lo conforta en el lecho del dolor,
y calma sus padecimientos
durante toda su enfermedad,
yo For my part I say :

"... Have mercy on me, Lord,
heal my soul because I have sinned against you ..."

My enemies speak evil of me with (saying):
"When die and his name perish?."
And whoever comes to visit
speaks falsehood
inside gossip makes provision
and then goes out and spreads.
I hate all come together to speak against me, my
imagine the worst:
"has occurred a malignant fever;
lay down and not rise again."
Even my friend who I trusted, who ate my bread
has lifted his heel against me.

More You Lord, Have mercy on me;
Lift me to reward them.
will know that you love me, if I hate
not strike at my expense,
and sustains me in my integrity,
remain in your presence forever.
Blessed be Yahweh, the God of Israel,
from eternity and for eternity!
Amen, Amen ...

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Behind Rebel Lines Summaries

God of Israel, God of Isaac and the God of David, God of Our Fathers, Compassionate, comfort those who cry to you, show us your mercy, send your Holy Heaven Help , your LA destroy this creature and separate from all works, forms and temptations of the devil and fallen into a void, to deep abyss these evil spirits vex him, tempt and threaten, took foward to deceive, cegarla or lose, do not let it hide in your body, at home, in your life, your family, or any clothing, their joint members, not let them rest without clearly flee from the creature, son of Thee, O Lord, made the Image and Likeness Tuya.
your Lord that I purchased, not with gold or silver, or precious stones, but with the Precious and Beautiful Spilled Blood of your Son Jesus Christ who lives and reigns with your right hand, in Eternity immemorial Time, for ever and ever. (+) Amen

Cross Here "+" of the Lord: Flee
, adverse parties.
"+" defeated the lion of the Tribe of Judah
Root Strength and Will David "+" ...
Glory to You Lord, for ever and ever.
Amen Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah ...!

A. .. Jesus Christ, Son of God, Brother in the Flesh and Blood Redeemer of Men, The Most High Jesus Christ Man and My brother
For St. Michael and All Angels ...
Eternal Mother Of Mary Immaculate.
Lord, hear my prayer and my cry come unto Thee. Amen
