Sunday, May 22, 2011

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New Abbey Dawn clothes

line clothing designer and businesswoman Avril Lavigne "Abbey Dawn" continues to expand its collections, this time adding a new piece to the collection of bathing suits, and three in the collection of blouses. The images of all new items are available below:

Best Femaie Swinsuite Calendar

Abbey Dawn came to Smile!

That's right! Smile has already reached Abbey Dawn, the clothing line designed by Avril Lavigne , which continues to bring interesting developments with new items that were recently added to the online store. The new Abbey Dawn clothing designs bring smiles to refer to the new video for the song SMILE , the second single Goodbye Lullaby the Canadian multifaceted. The first layer is a mini pink blouse, the second is a black shirt comes printed logo Smile. Take a look below at both garments:

Cortisone Injections In The Pelvis

Vote for Avril Lavigne comes to Paraguay!

As previously announced, in early May, on the Facebook page of the entertainment organizer "Garzia Group " had added a survey to find an artist we would like to come to Paraguay . After bringing the Gypsy Heart Tour of Miley Cyrus, have been included in the new survey of the most celebrated artists of the moment, and among them are: Avril Lavigne, Katy Perry, Ke $ ha, Selena Gomez , Demi Lovato, Justin Bieber and Lady Gaga. The vote follows open our Canadian rocker Avril Lavigne is leading this important vote because each of you.

reminder that a few days ago the same Avril Lavigne via a video announced his new tour "The Black Star Tour " would include Latin America! Therefore, we must continue to vote and asking for votes in all of our friends, so that all major companies to begin negotiations for the The Black Star Tour comes to each of the countries of South America.

Therefore, we ask your help again, this time to multiply the total votes are there in Avril Lavigne! Remember that if we win, and The Black Star Tour Paraguay reaches, there will be many more opportunities coming to your country!

+ Avril Lavigne To vote, click Here! (must enter before your Facebook account)
+ To follow through our fanpage click here! Share page and help us more Avrileros / as meet and join Avril Lavigne Paraguay!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Minimum Amount Of Time To Serve In The Military


De Marco wants to talk, but ...

was not easy to talk to him. De Marco after hearing a resolution condemning the court which tried him, he fled to his family, he answered the phone and avoided all contact, especially in journalism. But finally, after a couple of weeks, responded to our indictment. We said we wanted to talk to him, knowing he thought and if he had anything to say, because his word had been heard. And this is what he replied: "I want to talk, I have things to say, but understand that before I have to consult my lawyer, he tells me if I can talk, if I want to say, my truth, not harm me in future legal steps. If he allows me, talk.

We are, as is said, stand by, awaiting the response of De Marco, which is certainly expected by all those who were aware of the alternatives of the trial to follow him. All indicate that De Marco will speak and answer many questions, especially those that many would like to know. In our next edition to appear on Tuesday by the national holiday of May 25, is likely to have their word.