Did you know that we vote and how to vote on 14 August?
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What are the Primary Election?
2. What vote in the primaries?
3. Who voted in the primaries?
4. "Primary elections are compulsory for those not affiliated to any political party? If I participated in the internal election of the political party to which I am affiliated, should I also vote in the primaries?
5. Who may submit a pre-candidacies in the primaries?
6. Political groups who apply a single list, can also should be in the primaries?
7. Who can be candidates in the primaries?
8. When and where to vote in the primaries?
9. When and where I can see if I'm registered correctly in the national electorate?
10. What document is voted in the primaries?
11. How you vote in the Primaries? How can I identify my preference ballots?
12. To cast my vote, do I have to choose the same ballot compulsory for all categories of fees?
13. Why is it important to vote in the primaries?
14. Where I can learn more about the primaries?
Here are all the answers
1. What are the Primary Election?
The primaries are a method of selection of candidates for national elective public office and qualifications of parties and alliances to compete for such positions.
That is, one or more lists of candidates of the same party or alliance competing for the nomination form with a certain political group may be in the national elections, if he has obtained among their lists of candidates a minimum support threshold of 1.5% of the votes cast in the district and for the category in which the prosecution intends to compete in national elections.
are mandatory for all citizens who are 18 years or older at the time of the national election and all political parties and alliances that seek to compete in national elections, even for those with a single list of candidates.
are open, and that all citizens participate in the selection of candidates whether or not affiliated with a political party.
are simultaneous, and held on August 14 across the country and in the same electoral act, the vote of all citizens determines all candidates for national elective office.
2. What vote in primaries?
in primary elections, citizens vote for lists of candidates for national elective offices:
national elective office, Elections 2011
- Chairman and Vice President of the Nation, throughout the country.
- 130 National Deputies, in all provinces and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires.
- 24 National Senators, in the provinces of Buenos Aires, Formosa, Jujuy, La Rioja, Misiones, San Juan, San Luis and Santa Cruz. If you want to know how many National Deputies are elected in each district, and if you want to know how many Senators National
national elective office, Elections 2011
National Deputies 2011 Senators
2011 National
3. About vote in primaries?
All Argentine citizens - native, or naturalized by option - with 18 years or older at the time of the national election, have the right and civic duty to vote in the primaries.
This means that those who are 17 but turning 18 on or before October 23 will also be included in the census and should vote in the primaries.
4. "Primary elections are compulsory for those not affiliated to any political party? If I participated in the internal election of the political party to which I am affiliated, should I also vote in the primaries?
Yes, primaries are binding on all citizens who are 18 years or more to 23 October, whether or not affiliated to any political party.
In the primaries, selection of candidates is not reserved exclusively to the preferences of those who are members of a particular political party, but extends to all citizens registered in the national electorate.
The absence of suffrage should be justified in case of illness, force majeure or geographical distance, within sixty days of the election held, presenting the certificates to the competent Electoral Justice electoral district.
To verify correct figure in the census ask at
5. Who may
pre-candidacies in
political groupings-that is, political parties, alliances and confederations of matches, are the only institutions authorized to apply pre-candidacies in the primaries.
The pre-candidacies must be endorsed by a number of affiliates of the group the policy intending to appear. This number varies according to the category under which it intends to submit candidacy and is determined based on a percentage of the register of members or register of the district, whichever is less.
Thus, to nominate candidates for senators and deputies in national primaries, each candidacy must be supported by a number of members not less than 2 ‰ of the total district standard or 2% of the number of affiliates political group, whichever is lower.
Meanwhile, in the case of pre-candidacies for president and vice president of the Nation, the minimum membership required collateral is equal to 1 ‰ of those enrolled in the general census, residents of at least 5 districts, or 1% of the register of members of the political group of 5 districts his election, in which recognition takes effect, whichever is less.
6. Political groups who apply a single list, can also be submitted in the primaries?
Yes primaries are binding on all political groups seeking to compete in national elections, even for those who apply a single list of candidates, since they are the only method for enabling the selection of candidates and groups to be presented in national elections.
The political groups will decide who their candidates, but are the citizens through their votes that decide between them.
This will prevent the candidates who are defeated in a primary election, competing in the national election, and prevents the proliferation of electoral lists that lack effective representation in society. Therefore, the participation of not only members but the general public, to generate candidates have greater social legitimacy.
7. Who can be candidates in the primaries?
The appointment of the candidates is an exclusive power of the political groups, who therefore must determine the requirements for candidate for the same, and may even apply to non-party, "must respect the provisions of their charters and the current electoral legislation
However the ability of political groups to determine requirements to require its candidates, the national legislation prohibits the nomination of candidates in primary elections:
- People with an indictment or conviction for crimes against humanity and violations of human rights.
- People who play positions were company executives or service concessions and public works of the nation, provinces, autonomous city of Buenos Aires, municipalities or decentralized or autonomous agencies or companies that operate gambling.
still valid should be noted that other exclusions listed in Article 33 of Organic Law No. 23,298 of Political Parties.
8. When and where to vote in the primaries?
Primary elections will be held throughout the country on August 14, from 8 to 18 hours.
In the primaries and the national vote in the same place, but as the polls are mixed is likely to have changed the polling place for the election of 2009.
are therefore advised to check the polling place from 30 July.
- The interim and final standards will be available:
- By internet: www.padron.gob.ar
- By telephone, calling PADRON 0800-999 (7237)
- Sending a text message (SMS) to 64646, entering the word "vote" (space) and the ID number followed by the letter "M" if the voter is male or "F" if female. By sex of the voter
9. When and where I can see if I'm registered correctly in the national electorate?
- The interim standards will be available:
- By Internet: www.padron.gob.ar
- From cell phone, sending a text message to 64646, entering the word "vote" (space) and the ID number followed by the letter "M" or "F" according to the sex of the elector.
- By telephone, calling the toll-free PADRON 0800-999 (7237)
10. What document is voted in the primaries?
Enabling civil documents to vote are:
- National Identity Document (DNI Book cover green or blue).
- Book Civic. (LC)
- Free Enrollment. (LE)
The New ID card format is not a document authorizing him to vote.
- if the pattern set LE and the voter is presented with ID.
- if original figure with the DNI and the DNI has doubled.
- if presented with an ID "sample B 'and DNI contained a" copy A ".
Those present to vote on a document with an earlier version contained in the register may not vote. For example:
- if the pattern set ID and the voter is presented with LE.
- if the DNI figure has doubled and the original ID.
- if presented with an ID 'Copy To' and DNI contained a "copy B".
11. How you vote in the Primaries? How can I identify my preference ballots?
as is voted in elections already know, introducing the document and entering the dark room.
will meet In the darkroom ballots of different colors, each correspond to a different party or alliance. Also, ballots will contain photographs of the candidates, so that each elector can better identify the ballot of your choice.
As was the case traditionally, the ballots will have different bodies according to the elective categories for which the party or alliance this pre-candidacies.
Where a political group present lists of candidates, ballots will be the same color and name, but may be distinguished by the letter following the number of list, and the names and photographs of candidates.
A voter may only vote for a candidacy or list of candidates of their choice for each of the categories.
After voting, the board chairman of the document stamped and signed by the voter and return it.
12. To cast my vote, do I have to choose the same ballot compulsory for all categories of fees?
No. In primary elections, each voter can choose between different lists of the same political group or of different political parties and alliances, but must cast a single vote for each category of positions to be elected: President and Vice President of the Nation, Senators (in the provinces where appropriate) and National Deputies.
That is, each citizen can choose a full ballot or cut ticket charges by category, both among internal lists of the same party as between different party lists. What not to, is to choose more than one option for the same category, since their vote will be counted zero.
13. Why is it important to vote in the primaries?
The implementation of the primaries is a fundamental change in the way in which selected candidates for elective public office. The vote of every citizen gives greater democratization within the party and raises the standing of candidates.
addition, it strengthens political parties as tools of popular participation in public affairs, contributing to a more stable political competition. Allows citizens to know their government programs, cast an informed vote and better monitor the performance of their representatives.
With the primary elections, political parties and people revert to centrality in the decision to all stages of the electoral process.
14. Where I can learn more about the primaries?
For more information or to evacuate your questions about the primaries, you can see:
- By telephone by calling:
(011) 4346-1841 (011) 4346-1842
- Sending an email to:
- By mail to: 25 de Mayo 101, 3rd Floor C1002ABC - City of Buenos Aires
Address national
Ministry of Interior
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