Something must be done about stray dogs
is that the number of stray dogs that are seen in the streets of the city and many more still in more remote areas, which should speak of a pest, a pest if you mean anything that is annoying, cause damage and can even cause physical harm, either by bite or transmit diseases. Can be counted by tens, even hundreds, circulating hungry breaking garbage bags, litter on sidewalks, porches of houses and the street fight, are a risk to children and for adults. Something must be done with them, and soon.
than a few neighbors who have dogs 'bedding out', that feed on the sidewalk, the stroke but do not let go. Those dogs driving down the street with no vaccine or medical care. Who own dogs are cared for, fed, vaccinated, attend to sanitary and not let them out into the street. The township should require that every dog \u200b\u200bowner to take care of it. And the rest, those who roam the streets, collect and deposit them somewhere where they can not escape. We know that it may be easy to say but not so easy to do, that the topic is a complexity that occurs everywhere, but it can not continue.
In China, which apparently goes through the same problem, has put in place a system of control of dogs, prohibiting having more than one dog, and who has it must pay a $ 300 annual fee that varies according place of residence of each family. Anyone who wants a dog must pay a tax, and those who have more than one discard leftovers. And no tall tale.
Casares Returning to the issue is serious and should not expand further. Constantly overlooked us their complaints. The image you are roaming packs of dogs for food, barking at cars and people, is horrible, annoying and unhealthy.
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