Saturday, May 21, 2011

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Avenida San Martín 57 animals worth more than 100 thousand pesos

important theft Clarifying the neighboring hacienda Esteban Torre

On May 20 and after a patient and fruitful research conducted by local police on Friday afternoon was clarified the theft of 57 head of cattle a neighbor Abel Esteban Torre, occurred on March 23 last in a field of their property located between Cadrete and Hortense of this party. Although no known official valuation of the stolen animals, it is estimated that the amount may exceed 100 thousand dollars.


research After the animals were placed in "Bayauca" party of Lincoln, on a farm owned expressed have been acquired in good faith.

Of the 57 animals recovered 14 cows and 42 calves, that soon will be delivered to its owner.

local police, highlights the rapid intervention of the Attorney N2 Lauquen Trenque by Dr Maria Cristina Ciccacci and Secretary Magdalena Espaim for rapid cooperation to rid the search warrant, as well as the Assistant Attorney local, Dr Roberto Graciano and his team, who also worked with law enforcement.

With regard to the authors of the crime, although they have not been found so far, there are strong hints that will give the same in the coming hours.


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