Saturday, May 21, 2011

Is There A Etf On Canadian Oil Sands

a good project


According to the announcement in advance by the INTA Carlos Casares, along with its Advisory Board, the CEA No. 17 with its School Young Entrepreneurs and the City of Carlos Casares, through the Ministry of Production, on Thursday 19 May between 14:00 and 17:00 am and conducted a successful training, on the campus of San Esteban on Construction and Repair of Fences, dictated by three technicians ACINDAR.

himself, who had a theoretical and another practice, excited the audience, recognizing new techniques and elements, with delivery of certificates of participation.

Thus began a series of courses to be given monthly (a different one for each month), by suited technicians from different companies, according to needs-oriented training in various rural activities and according to the assessed needs.


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