By Manuel Castro
From the first moment the news broke, I did not believe that Osama Bin Laden was dead. Doubted the information circulating worldwide. Waiting for the confirmation of United States and, more precisely, of the followers of Al Qaeda.
The leader of the group left for dead some nine or ten times. It said it had fallen after an attack or had been the victim of kidney disease. Given the magnitude of who it is, I was pending official confirmation and I settled for the photos that were broadcast to the world. United States only shows a percentage of what they know they are always looking at how it shows the world a story of such magnitude. If even said he used a hitherto unknown weapons and helicopters of the latest technology. One was destroyed so that no trace. U.S. soldiers, the All Stars Team, All-Star team, were on two aircraft and returned at a time.
Bin Laden's death fell "just" a U.S. government agent with a very questioned. We know that today the image of Barack Obama is not the same as when he became president. Or actually, they killed him now because this was the right time to kill the man who had located the last four years.
This operation is not used a sniper-tracking system a shot, one dead, but were two shots, the second to ensure that the enemy has fallen as a clear message: Did you see that when we want, we?
After this happened, it is clear that Pakistan, combining U.S. was not doing enough to stop it. Because it is impossible for an intelligence service can ignore an enemy that is so close, even close to a military academy and the nation's capital. Undoubtedly, Obama will reconsider the strategies to follow in the region ... and think whether you should have a close relationship with Pakistan, which was badly in this situation.
the opposite side is another panorama. The Islamist movement has a great capacity of groups, subgroups, and dormant cells, with some autonomy from each other. And the death of Bin Laden is sure to bring more attacks. History proves, as this has been a zone of conflict since the First World War. Since it was occupied by the Turks. When it comes to the independence of the territories of Arab origin, was an important issue for Western countries to take them under control.
In the Arab world are two realities. On one side are the Islamists, those who follow an ideology of nature and devotion as in the West is the ETA and the IRA. On the other hand is the people, citizens now have the opportunity to explore outside their country, a new, different world, with Internet, Twitter and all new technologies. And there, choose the interests of each.
By this time is called the interim successor to bin Laden in Al Qaeda, the Egyptian Saif al-Adel to AdelSaif. While Mustafa al-Yemeni direct the operations. But there are several big names within the terrorist network, Ayman al-Zawahiri (Egyptian, the most important of all), Khalid Al Habib (military leader of the network), Abu Yahya El Libi (Mauritanian leader theological), Abed Al Atiyah Rahman (explosives expert), and Nasser al-Wahishi (leader of Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula AQAP promised that "what is coming will be greater and worse "after the death of their leader.) Not forgetting that Yemen has installed a network in a while. response, only saying that Bin Laden is not dead. While it is physically dead, his ideology is still alive in these fans. Time will tell how far the forces of these ideas will be maintained over time.
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