De Marco wants to talk, but ...
was not easy to talk to him. De Marco after hearing a resolution condemning the court which tried him, he fled to his family, he answered the phone and avoided all contact, especially in journalism. But finally, after a couple of weeks, responded to our indictment. We said we wanted to talk to him, knowing he thought and if he had anything to say, because his word had been heard. And this is what he replied: "I want to talk, I have things to say, but understand that before I have to consult my lawyer, he tells me if I can talk, if I want to say, my truth, not harm me in future legal steps. If he allows me, talk.
We are, as is said, stand by, awaiting the response of De Marco, which is certainly expected by all those who were aware of the alternatives of the trial to follow him. All indicate that De Marco will speak and answer many questions, especially those that many would like to know. In our next edition to appear on Tuesday by the national holiday of May 25, is likely to have their word.
It was reported in various media that the sale of nonprescription drugs has intensified in recent times, a limit that according to statistics provided by a consultant (IMS Health market research specialist) about 22,000 cases in 421 surveyed pharmacies purchase Argentina 18 cities, 32% of prescription drugs sold without prescription. The most requested drugs that are sold without a prescription, according to the report of the surveyors, are antibiotics, antirheumatic drugs, decongestants, contraceptives and analgesics, among others.
Referred to the issue and in relation to the same survey, the daily La Nación reflects this: "If you assure to those who are behind the counter of a pharmacy that has all the symptoms of a respiratory infection it is very likely to come away with an antibiotic in their hands. No matter if you have the disease that claims to have, nor whether it has the backing doctor (the prescription) that notes that you need an antibiotic. The drugs are to be sold and sold, even without complying with the laws say about it. "
All this, the survey referred to and the reflection of national morning, we have to think if Carlos Casares is the same. If at least 32% of prescription drugs are sold without the required prescription. And pay a little theory that these peoples the pharmacist is a neighbor of the community, well known and knowledgeable in turn, for professional reasons and social, of many people with whom he has come into a relationship kind and friendly.
Needless to say, a drug that has not been prescribed, and that the work of self-medication is misused, can cause serious inconvenience to the wearer. It is common, very common for people to "pass" the data of one or another effective medication for this or that disease, advising recklessly, but if the pharmacy demanding the use of the respective counter, they would be worth nothing this advice if you go through a doctor's office. Of course, if we follow the thinking of our colleague The Nation, the majority of patients who go to the pharmacy without a prescription, go to the requested drug.
makes no sense to generalize, Casares hope that things are different. That 32% of OTC sales is lower here, but on the other hand experience tells us that the statistics of that type, with slight variations, have global reach.
Anyway, the reason for this is to raise awareness for those suffering from any ailment, that passage through the doctor is essential. Not all are equal, that some organisms tolerate certain drugs and others do not, there are contraindications, etc. But awareness pharmaceutical professionals to be required in all cases except those drugs that do not require, the appropriate prescription. They are also responsible for the damage that an ill-supplied medicine can cause a person.
spun on the road and overturned shortly
come forward As in our previous edition, on Tuesday around 18 pm. was stolen in downtown car blue Toyota Corolla, pte. EGB 950 Brizuela Silvio neighbor's property, which was intercepted en route 5 to about 1000 meters from the bridge of July 9, after a chase film by two mobile of the local branch and uniformed private vehicle. At the entrance to French expected it to turn local police officers, rural patrol, detachment of French and DDI Bragado, who joined the chase vehicles, since the stolen car eluded them continuing their march. The policemen to ensure that the vehicle driven by Paraguayan Maidana Ismael Rodrigo Martinez (23) stopped his career, put him on par and "touched" on its side, the car lost its line of march, to give a spin on the asphalt, leaving the edge of the dump. From inside the Toyota the thief tried to resist, but eventually deposed his attitude was arrested by the military that led him first to July 9, then move it to the local police station where, upon fulfillment of summary proceedings it conducted on Wednesday, Disc. Trenque Judicial Lauquen to appear before the prosecutors involved.
have come to draw up to two million pesos on weekends
withdrawals vary according to days, and be the first of each month or even longer holidays. People do not want to have the money at home, rather out of their accounts as needed. Where for any reason the cashiers do not work, have come to play ring around the house managers to make the claim.
Times have changed. Formerly, but not too far back in time, ATMs did not exist, people earned their salaries and kept them in their homes, putting any surplus, if it had, in a savings or checking accounts. With traders, businessmen, professionals, etc. something similar happened, kept at home spending money month and the rest was deposited. Today, however nobody wants to have money in your home, either by insecurity at the rise of robberies and assaults and also by the convenience that today is the use of ATMs, extracting from them the necessary amounts of money cost effective for weekly or weekends. Even used to go on vacation, carrying only a small portion of money to be withdrawn from ATMs the extent of their needs.
All this shows that it has generated, also residents of Carlos Casares, a kind of culture that not only reflected in the wealthy or high income employees, but in all segments, including lower middle class employees or workers that serve on the official level or large salaries they are deposited in savings.
consulted the bank managers local, they told us that there was indeed a new culture of managing money for daily use for cash payments. People make widespread use of ATMs, to the point that they must be full of money on the weekends because the "pilgrimage" is constant. The long weekends have withdrawn from the cash figures in excess of 2 million pesos, and the first days of each month "there is no money available", as you can imagine. The 4 ATM, 2 Banco Provincia, 1 1 National Bank and Bank Credicoop, operate at full capacity, to such an extent that there is often tail them, and not just of neighbors come to them in their cars 0km., but by every social class, being able to see that many also those arriving by bicycle to withdraw modest sums.
recounts the manager of a bank of our city, that on some occasions when ATMs have been stopped, either by a power failure or any damage, have been his ring at home to make it aware of the problem and ask when they would solve. This reflects how important are these artifacts of modern life, without which, we said a neighbor, "can no longer live," and added: "We were on vacation with my wife and children, and before I went out to dinner to withdraw money from an ATM. But I do not know what the problem was that no money had been all. I tried several more and nothing coins together that night and we reached for a pizza. were five. "
This last example leads us to reflect: our friend could have gone to a nice restaurant if you wanted, and pay with your debit card, another good item of modern life that makes unnecessary the use of cash and has in turn benefits the VAT refund. "That's another culture that should have casarenses because the debit card is used very little in locally," he said one of the managers surveyed.
The West had a chat with the Mayor Mr. Luis Seraci who spoke to the commencement of work the redevelopment of the Avenida San Martin, under the draft refuncionalización city center. He also talks about the difficulties that have arisen with the collection.
"He is actively working on pruning the trees of the Avenida San Martin. This is related to the work to be undertaken for the redevelopment of the avenue?
"We can say that the work is being done now is because of remodeling.
For root pruning of a tree, pruning is needed at first.
We are doing the pruning of the trees of the Avenida San Martin, later to do the pruning of roots and start working on the renovation of the sidewalks , later to begin the removal of the two types columns for lighting, waste baskets and all kinds of furniture to be replace by a new furniture, with new lighting, new benches, new bins waste.
-completion times so far are specified?
"Yes, because a little we marked the start of them, and talked with neighbors of the Avenida San Martin, was the starting time of root pruning and root pruning first to do the pruning that starts from the 1st. May.
I want to make clear that these works on Avenida San Martin are part of the re-functioning of the City, as in other stage is the redevelopment of the Avenida 9 de Julio, the Plaza San Martín . We are confident that when this project is over and we see it crystallized, we will see a much more modern center, functional and beautiful.
-What is the problem there is with the collection of household waste branches?
"This issue slightly exceeded our ability to harvest. In this regard we have added more trucks and more staff to do so.
We are advertising through the media which is the volume of branches and debris out unconventional, which should be about the size a family fridge. This is not fanciful but the collection infrastructure that we have allowed a swift collection and comply with all, because when we pass this measure in two or three times, obviously the collection system we have by block and by zone and by sector which is already provided for the neighbor to the day before or the same day taking out the trash and / or branches, we are out of control.
"What is the municipality doing about it?
"We've strengthened the squad and in two or three days since it was implemented are beginning to see the change, however we are asking neighbors who try to respect the volume of garbage to take out, because more than anything is a standard of living so that we can have a clean and tidy. We know that at this time is difficult, where there are leaves, which produces the pruning of trees, which added to the usual residues are removed, complicate the logistics of collection.
important theft Clarifying the neighboring hacienda Esteban Torre
On May 20 and after a patient and fruitful research conducted by local police on Friday afternoon was clarified the theft of 57 head of cattle a neighbor Abel Esteban Torre, occurred on March 23 last in a field of their property located between Cadrete and Hortense of this party. Although no known official valuation of the stolen animals, it is estimated that the amount may exceed 100 thousand dollars.
research After the animals were placed in "Bayauca" party of Lincoln, on a farm owned expressed have been acquired in good faith.
Of the 57 animals recovered 14 cows and 42 calves, that soon will be delivered to its owner.
local police, highlights the rapid intervention of the Attorney N2 Lauquen Trenque by Dr Maria Cristina Ciccacci and Secretary Magdalena Espaim for rapid cooperation to rid the search warrant, as well as the Assistant Attorney local, Dr Roberto Graciano and his team, who also worked with law enforcement.
With regard to the authors of the crime, although they have not been found so far, there are strong hints that will give the same in the coming hours.
Did you know that we vote and how to vote on 14 August?
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What are the Primary Election?
2. What vote in the primaries?
3. Who voted in the primaries?
4. "Primary elections are compulsory for those not affiliated to any political party? If I participated in the internal election of the political party to which I am affiliated, should I also vote in the primaries?
5. Who may submit a pre-candidacies in the primaries?
6. Political groups who apply a single list, can also should be in the primaries?
7. Who can be candidates in the primaries?
8. When and where to vote in the primaries?
9. When and where I can see if I'm registered correctly in the national electorate?
10. What document is voted in the primaries?
11. How you vote in the Primaries? How can I identify my preference ballots?
12. To cast my vote, do I have to choose the same ballot compulsory for all categories of fees?
13. Why is it important to vote in the primaries?
14. Where I can learn more about the primaries?
Here are all the answers
1. What are the Primary Election?
The primaries are a method of selection of candidates for national elective public office and qualifications of parties and alliances to compete for such positions.
That is, one or more lists of candidates of the same party or alliance competing for the nomination form with a certain political group may be in the national elections, if he has obtained among their lists of candidates a minimum support threshold of 1.5% of the votes cast in the district and for the category in which the prosecution intends to compete in national elections.
are mandatory for all citizens who are 18 years or older at the time of the national election and all political parties and alliances that seek to compete in national elections, even for those with a single list of candidates.
are open, and that all citizens participate in the selection of candidates whether or not affiliated with a political party.
are simultaneous, and held on August 14 across the country and in the same electoral act, the vote of all citizens determines all candidates for national elective office.
2. What vote in primaries?
in primary elections, citizens vote for lists of candidates for national elective offices:
national elective office, Elections 2011
- Chairman and Vice President of the Nation, throughout the country.
- 130 National Deputies, in all provinces and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires.
- 24 National Senators, in the provinces of Buenos Aires, Formosa, Jujuy, La Rioja, Misiones, San Juan, San Luis and Santa Cruz. If you want to know how many National Deputies are elected in each district, and if you want to know how many Senators National
national elective office, Elections 2011
National Deputies 2011 Senators
2011 National
3. About vote in primaries?
All Argentine citizens - native, or naturalized by option - with 18 years or older at the time of the national election, have the right and civic duty to vote in the primaries.
This means that those who are 17 but turning 18 on or before October 23 will also be included in the census and should vote in the primaries.
4. "Primary elections are compulsory for those not affiliated to any political party? If I participated in the internal election of the political party to which I am affiliated, should I also vote in the primaries?
Yes, primaries are binding on all citizens who are 18 years or more to 23 October, whether or not affiliated to any political party.
In the primaries, selection of candidates is not reserved exclusively to the preferences of those who are members of a particular political party, but extends to all citizens registered in the national electorate.
The absence of suffrage should be justified in case of illness, force majeure or geographical distance, within sixty days of the election held, presenting the certificates to the competent Electoral Justice electoral district.
To verify correct figure in the census ask at
5. Who may
pre-candidacies in
political groupings-that is, political parties, alliances and confederations of matches, are the only institutions authorized to apply pre-candidacies in the primaries.
The pre-candidacies must be endorsed by a number of affiliates of the group the policy intending to appear. This number varies according to the category under which it intends to submit candidacy and is determined based on a percentage of the register of members or register of the district, whichever is less.
Thus, to nominate candidates for senators and deputies in national primaries, each candidacy must be supported by a number of members not less than 2 ‰ of the total district standard or 2% of the number of affiliates political group, whichever is lower.
Meanwhile, in the case of pre-candidacies for president and vice president of the Nation, the minimum membership required collateral is equal to 1 ‰ of those enrolled in the general census, residents of at least 5 districts, or 1% of the register of members of the political group of 5 districts his election, in which recognition takes effect, whichever is less.
6. Political groups who apply a single list, can also be submitted in the primaries?
Yes primaries are binding on all political groups seeking to compete in national elections, even for those who apply a single list of candidates, since they are the only method for enabling the selection of candidates and groups to be presented in national elections.
The political groups will decide who their candidates, but are the citizens through their votes that decide between them.
This will prevent the candidates who are defeated in a primary election, competing in the national election, and prevents the proliferation of electoral lists that lack effective representation in society. Therefore, the participation of not only members but the general public, to generate candidates have greater social legitimacy.
7. Who can be candidates in the primaries?
The appointment of the candidates is an exclusive power of the political groups, who therefore must determine the requirements for candidate for the same, and may even apply to non-party, "must respect the provisions of their charters and the current electoral legislation
However the ability of political groups to determine requirements to require its candidates, the national legislation prohibits the nomination of candidates in primary elections:
- People with an indictment or conviction for crimes against humanity and violations of human rights.
- People who play positions were company executives or service concessions and public works of the nation, provinces, autonomous city of Buenos Aires, municipalities or decentralized or autonomous agencies or companies that operate gambling.
still valid should be noted that other exclusions listed in Article 33 of Organic Law No. 23,298 of Political Parties.
8. When and where to vote in the primaries?
Primary elections will be held throughout the country on August 14, from 8 to 18 hours.
In the primaries and the national vote in the same place, but as the polls are mixed is likely to have changed the polling place for the election of 2009.
are therefore advised to check the polling place from 30 July.
- The interim and final standards will be available:
- By internet: www.padron.gob.ar
- By telephone, calling PADRON 0800-999 (7237)
- Sending a text message (SMS) to 64646, entering the word "vote" (space) and the ID number followed by the letter "M" if the voter is male or "F" if female. By sex of the voter
9. When and where I can see if I'm registered correctly in the national electorate?
- The interim standards will be available:
- By Internet: www.padron.gob.ar
- From cell phone, sending a text message to 64646, entering the word "vote" (space) and the ID number followed by the letter "M" or "F" according to the sex of the elector.
- By telephone, calling the toll-free PADRON 0800-999 (7237)
10. What document is voted in the primaries?
Enabling civil documents to vote are:
- National Identity Document (DNI Book cover green or blue).
- Book Civic. (LC)
- Free Enrollment. (LE)
The New ID card format is not a document authorizing him to vote.
- if the pattern set LE and the voter is presented with ID.
- if original figure with the DNI and the DNI has doubled.
- if presented with an ID "sample B 'and DNI contained a" copy A ".
Those present to vote on a document with an earlier version contained in the register may not vote. For example:
- if the pattern set ID and the voter is presented with LE.
- if the DNI figure has doubled and the original ID.
- if presented with an ID 'Copy To' and DNI contained a "copy B".
11. How you vote in the Primaries? How can I identify my preference ballots?
as is voted in elections already know, introducing the document and entering the dark room.
will meet In the darkroom ballots of different colors, each correspond to a different party or alliance. Also, ballots will contain photographs of the candidates, so that each elector can better identify the ballot of your choice.
As was the case traditionally, the ballots will have different bodies according to the elective categories for which the party or alliance this pre-candidacies.
Where a political group present lists of candidates, ballots will be the same color and name, but may be distinguished by the letter following the number of list, and the names and photographs of candidates.
A voter may only vote for a candidacy or list of candidates of their choice for each of the categories.
After voting, the board chairman of the document stamped and signed by the voter and return it.
12. To cast my vote, do I have to choose the same ballot compulsory for all categories of fees?
No. In primary elections, each voter can choose between different lists of the same political group or of different political parties and alliances, but must cast a single vote for each category of positions to be elected: President and Vice President of the Nation, Senators (in the provinces where appropriate) and National Deputies.
That is, each citizen can choose a full ballot or cut ticket charges by category, both among internal lists of the same party as between different party lists. What not to, is to choose more than one option for the same category, since their vote will be counted zero.
13. Why is it important to vote in the primaries?
The implementation of the primaries is a fundamental change in the way in which selected candidates for elective public office. The vote of every citizen gives greater democratization within the party and raises the standing of candidates.
addition, it strengthens political parties as tools of popular participation in public affairs, contributing to a more stable political competition. Allows citizens to know their government programs, cast an informed vote and better monitor the performance of their representatives.
With the primary elections, political parties and people revert to centrality in the decision to all stages of the electoral process.
14. Where I can learn more about the primaries?
For more information or to evacuate your questions about the primaries, you can see:
- By telephone by calling:
(011) 4346-1841 (011) 4346-1842
- Sending an email to:
- By mail to: 25 de Mayo 101, 3rd Floor C1002ABC - City of Buenos Aires
Address national
Ministry of Interior
By Manuel Castro
From the first moment the news broke, I did not believe that Osama Bin Laden was dead. Doubted the information circulating worldwide. Waiting for the confirmation of United States and, more precisely, of the followers of Al Qaeda.
The leader of the group left for dead some nine or ten times. It said it had fallen after an attack or had been the victim of kidney disease. Given the magnitude of who it is, I was pending official confirmation and I settled for the photos that were broadcast to the world. United States only shows a percentage of what they know they are always looking at how it shows the world a story of such magnitude. If even said he used a hitherto unknown weapons and helicopters of the latest technology. One was destroyed so that no trace. U.S. soldiers, the All Stars Team, All-Star team, were on two aircraft and returned at a time.
Bin Laden's death fell "just" a U.S. government agent with a very questioned. We know that today the image of Barack Obama is not the same as when he became president. Or actually, they killed him now because this was the right time to kill the man who had located the last four years.
This operation is not used a sniper-tracking system a shot, one dead, but were two shots, the second to ensure that the enemy has fallen as a clear message: Did you see that when we want, we?
After this happened, it is clear that Pakistan, combining U.S. was not doing enough to stop it. Because it is impossible for an intelligence service can ignore an enemy that is so close, even close to a military academy and the nation's capital. Undoubtedly, Obama will reconsider the strategies to follow in the region ... and think whether you should have a close relationship with Pakistan, which was badly in this situation.
the opposite side is another panorama. The Islamist movement has a great capacity of groups, subgroups, and dormant cells, with some autonomy from each other. And the death of Bin Laden is sure to bring more attacks. History proves, as this has been a zone of conflict since the First World War. Since it was occupied by the Turks. When it comes to the independence of the territories of Arab origin, was an important issue for Western countries to take them under control.
In the Arab world are two realities. On one side are the Islamists, those who follow an ideology of nature and devotion as in the West is the ETA and the IRA. On the other hand is the people, citizens now have the opportunity to explore outside their country, a new, different world, with Internet, Twitter and all new technologies. And there, choose the interests of each.
By this time is called the interim successor to bin Laden in Al Qaeda, the Egyptian Saif al-Adel to AdelSaif. While Mustafa al-Yemeni direct the operations. But there are several big names within the terrorist network, Ayman al-Zawahiri (Egyptian, the most important of all), Khalid Al Habib (military leader of the network), Abu Yahya El Libi (Mauritanian leader theological), Abed Al Atiyah Rahman (explosives expert), and Nasser al-Wahishi (leader of Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula AQAP promised that "what is coming will be greater and worse "after the death of their leader.) Not forgetting that Yemen has installed a network in a while. response, only saying that Bin Laden is not dead. While it is physically dead, his ideology is still alive in these fans. Time will tell how far the forces of these ideas will be maintained over time.
According to the announcement in advance by the INTA Carlos Casares, along with its Advisory Board, the CEA No. 17 with its School Young Entrepreneurs and the City of Carlos Casares, through the Ministry of Production, on Thursday 19 May between 14:00 and 17:00 am and conducted a successful training, on the campus of San Esteban on Construction and Repair of Fences, dictated by three technicians ACINDAR.
himself, who had a theoretical and another practice, excited the audience, recognizing new techniques and elements, with delivery of certificates of participation.
Thus began a series of courses to be given monthly (a different one for each month), by suited technicians from different companies, according to needs-oriented training in various rural activities and according to the assessed needs.
At 5/20/1922
Ricardo Magnoni, Mary Zygal, Isolde vicuña, Sandra Les- pade, Margarita Martinez, Nelida Fernandez, Ricardo Magagnini, Gustavo Ricardo Fiol, Omar Cartasso.
Gustavo Valguarnera, Nelly War.
Geronimo Mirror, Victor Bragagnolo, Juana Moya.
Florence Galván.
José Luis Fernández, Alfredo Peinado, Sunday Brum, Jose Rosales, Maria del C. Sierra, Alan Cup, Naomi Grandoli, Salvador Algosino, Mario Franzoci, Mary Thompson, Juan Angel Gonzalez, Juan Carlos Gomez, Marcolina Colonel Alejandro Champonay, José Atilio Molina, Luis María Alonso.
João Carlos Leal, Sandra Lespade, Pascual Hallende.
Laura Fernández, María Álvarez Ledesma and Wilhelmina.
Something must be done about stray dogs
is that the number of stray dogs that are seen in the streets of the city and many more still in more remote areas, which should speak of a pest, a pest if you mean anything that is annoying, cause damage and can even cause physical harm, either by bite or transmit diseases. Can be counted by tens, even hundreds, circulating hungry breaking garbage bags, litter on sidewalks, porches of houses and the street fight, are a risk to children and for adults. Something must be done with them, and soon.
than a few neighbors who have dogs 'bedding out', that feed on the sidewalk, the stroke but do not let go. Those dogs driving down the street with no vaccine or medical care. Who own dogs are cared for, fed, vaccinated, attend to sanitary and not let them out into the street. The township should require that every dog \u200b\u200bowner to take care of it. And the rest, those who roam the streets, collect and deposit them somewhere where they can not escape. We know that it may be easy to say but not so easy to do, that the topic is a complexity that occurs everywhere, but it can not continue.
In China, which apparently goes through the same problem, has put in place a system of control of dogs, prohibiting having more than one dog, and who has it must pay a $ 300 annual fee that varies according place of residence of each family. Anyone who wants a dog must pay a tax, and those who have more than one discard leftovers. And no tall tale.
Casares Returning to the issue is serious and should not expand further. Constantly overlooked us their complaints. The image you are roaming packs of dogs for food, barking at cars and people, is horrible, annoying and unhealthy.
was held in Mar del Plata the first meeting organized provincial friendly by the Federation of Artistic Gymnastics in the Province of Buenos Aires, required to participate in the National and Provincial Tournament.
Our city was represented by CEF No. 11 with a total of 11 gymnasts, which had a good performance.
(four aircraft)
5 º) Celina Olavarria (highest grade on beam and jump)
10 º) Luisina Laveglia
9 º) Guillermina Alonso
(floor and jump)
6 º) Dolores García
2 º) Evelin Gutiérrez
3 º) Luciana Olmedo
(4 units)
4 th) Jim Lucero Font
12 º ) Lara Ovando
14 º) Irina Fontana
(floor and jump)
3 º) Trinidad López
4 º) Nadina Liberotti
Note that in each category, the turnout was massive counting on each of them more than 60 gymnasts.
The delegation was accompanied by Professors Martin Tagliabue, Franco Barragan, Ezequiel Donoso and some parents of the gymnasts.
The address of CEF No. 11 thank the parents who accompanied the delegation, sports area for the support provided and all those who helped make this trip possible for our students to participate and leave it on high the name of our institution and the entire community.